>>Chapter 1:Meeting each other<<

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Princess's POV

Hello to my dear readers!I know you know me already but I want you to know me more ^_^

I'm Princess Cuenca.I am currently in 7th grade at Imus Institute.I was the salutatorian of our previous elementary school.I've been in the second spot since my pre-elementary days.I always study hard just to be in the first spot but nothing really happen.Okay,enough with the chit-chats,let's go back to the story.


I am currently preparing for school.After I did my daily routines,I went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning sweetheart"my mom greeted me as I arrive the dining room


"Morning mom"I said as I sat on my chair and began to dig in at my food.


"So how's your sleep?"


"Great"I replied shortly as I continue to eat my food.


"Oh my!It's almost getting late.I need to go now sweetheart.Just eat by yourself and when your finish,just leave it by the sink.The maids will be the one to take care of it okay?"my mom said hurriedly.I just nodded my head as my mom kiss my right cheek before she disappeared in my sight.I sigh.

It's always like this.My parents don't have enough time for me.My father rarely comes home because he is a captain of a big ship while my mother is the CEO of a big and famous company.That's why studying is my favorite hobby. *sigh*

As I finished my food,I left it at the sink before I began to walk to school.


skip time to Imus Institute Dimasalang Campus >>>>>>>>


As I arrived,I look at my wrist watch.It's only 6:20 in the morning and there are only few students here so I decided to tour around the school.

Boy,the school is huge!There are three buildings in this school.I think I'm gonna get lost here.

I was out of my thoughts when I accidentally bumped to someone which made my books fall on the ground.

I began to pick up my books and so the one I've bumped to,help me to pick up my books.

As I was about to pick the last book when our hands accidentally touched because he was about to pick the same book as mine.

We gaze at each other.I could feel my cheeks began to heat up so I stood up as he gave my books that he picked.


"Sorry"we both uttered.We again gaze at each other and laugh together.


"I'm Ernesto Daan by the way"he said trying to broke the laughter and offered his hand for a friendly handshake


"Princess Cuenca"I said as I shook his hand,accepting his handshake.


"Sorry about what happen again.Now,may I excuse myself?"he ask politely


"Oh,ummm sure"I said then he left,leaving me alone AGAIN *sigh*


How's it as for now?Hope your enjoying! ^_^

Next Chapter:>>Chapter 2:We're CLASSMATES?!<<





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