the aftermath

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Just a warning that there will be topics of rape/ sexual abuse in this chapter so if you are not okay with that, please don't read and upset yourself!! if any of you guys have been a victim of such crimes I've included some numbers or websites you can go to, to get help!

NSPCC: 0808 800 5000 (24 HOURS, EVERYDAY)

Rape crisis: 0808 802 9999 (12-2:30 and 7-9:30)

victim support: 0808 168 9111


Everything seemed to fall back into the old routine since things had gone down between the two sisters, and it almost seemed as everything had gone back to the way it was. The two sisters had found each other again and within hours had become the best of friends again. It was like someone had heard her prays when she was asking for her best friend back. Everything felt normal again. The only abnormal thing was that Sickboy wasn't with Charlie. She had realised a couple hours after she told Alison everything, that she still hadn't picked up the phone to explain everything to Sickboy. It had been hours since Sickboy had left to let the sisters sort everything out and it was only in the last 10 minutes that her mind wondered back to Sickboy. She felt bad for what happened and the fact it made him feel like he had to leave. He didn't need to leave, but I guess it was his choice to leave the two to talk things through. It was just meant to be a nice evening between the two of them, finally a evening to just watch films and binge eat all the junk food they could find; but it got ruined by the interruption of her sister. She didn't mean to interrupt the two, it just happened that way. But as she stood there in the kitchen looking at the phone, she didn't know what to do. If she picked the phone up and called Sickboy, what would she say? Would she explain everything? Or would she lie? And what would he say? She kept on going over situations in her head, none of which made her want to pick up the phone. A ring from the phone had her thoughts interrupted. It took a moment until Charlie picked up the phone and actually take part in normal life.

'Hello?' Charlie said quietly through the phone, she had a funny feeling it was Sickboy. And she was right.

'Charlie? you okay?' she heard Sickboy say back to her on the other end of the phone. his worry evident in his voice.

'Yeah, I'm fine... everything went okay with Alison' she replied back trying to sound happy, if not to fool Sickboy, but to fool herself. Strangely enough though, it didn't fool anyone.

'Are you sure? is it okay if I come over?' He rushed to say, almost in a attempt to see her at the next possible moment.

'nah I'm ok-...' Charlie paused for a moment thinking about what she was just saying. If she kept putting it off., the next meeting with Sickboy would be harder then she would hope it to be.

'Actually yes, if you could come round as soon as possible that would be perfect.' She stated, preparing herself for what lie ahead and what he'll most probably ask.

'Cool, great. Well then I'll be over soon.' He said with a hint of urgency in his voice. You could tell he was in a rush to see her.

'Okay, see you soon, bye' Charlie said to him, nervous as hell and thinking what on earth she was meant to say to him.

'Bye.' And with that last word from Sickboy they both put the phone down. She stayed where she was for a moment, only to get up and go straight to the bathroom. She felt sick after everything that just happened. Actually, she felt sick as soon as she started to tell Alison what had happend. She was scared, nervous, worried. Everything had gone perfectly well with her sister, yet she was more nervous about what she was going to do with Sickboy. What was she meant to say? Did she tell him everything that she had told her sister? Or did she just say a more direct yet not all the truth version. It all got on top of her and she was just thinking it was the stress that got to her that made her sick. She hated being sick but she couldn't help it. It didn't take long for her to chuck up her guts, and she hoped that was the last of it for today.

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