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Well, I've been wanting to write a sequel to Spider-Man vs. Darkwing for a long time. It's funny, the epilogue was simply meant as a tease. If there's one thing Marvel movies have taught me, it's that you should always leave your audience wanting more. This story took awhile to shape and develop. I had to think of the right team members, which Marvel and DC characters to balance the team,  especially when it came to male and female characters, and the appropriate antagonist. Thankfully, I had my Dad, and friends like THEYWERE12NOT16 to help shape it up. She suggested having Colossus be part of the team, as I was trying to choose an X-Men member to join the team. I'm glad I have friends and family who are encouraging with what to do with a story, and how I can do a story better. This takes elements from the MCU, the DCAU, and Injustice. Anyway, I hope everyone likes this ambitious team up story. Excelsior!

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