Visiting The Cages

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Meanwhile, in an apartment in Harlem, it was a day after Barbara took the position as leader of the Gotham Avengers. In this apartment resided the Cage family. Luke Cage, his wife Jessica Jones-Cage, and their three year old daughter Danielle. Jessica was playing hide and seek with Danielle. The little girl was hiding under the desk her mother would use whenever she was investigating something.

"I'm coming for ya Dani!" Jessica teasingly said as she looked for her daughter. Dani covered her mouth, so that her mom couldn't hear her giggle.  Of course, Jessica could see her daughter's shadow. Jess smirked and walked to her desk. "Gee, I'm sure Dani isn't hiding under this desk!" she innocently said. Then she looked underneath where Dani was hiding and said, "Found ya!" Dani giggled and said, "Hi Mommy!" She got out of the desk and hugged Jess.

A minute later, Luke came in. "Hello ladies," he said, smiling at his wife and daughter. Jessica smiled and said, "Hey Luke." She then lovingly kissed her husband. "Daddy!" Dani excitedly said as she hugged Luke. "Hello Dani," said Luke as he hugged his daughter. "How was work?" asked Jessica. "Business is good," said Luke, "solve any cases?"

"Yeah, I did," said Jessica. She, Luke, and Dani then walked to the couch, deciding to spend time together. A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door. "That's strange, I wasn't expecting any clients now..." said Jessica. "I'll get it," said Luke as he got up from the couch to the door. He opened the door to see who it was. It was Bruce Wayne! "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Cage," Bruce said in his billionaire playboy voice. "Bruce Wayne?" asked a confused Luke, "Can I help you?"

"I was wondering if I could speak to you and your wife," offered Bruce. "Sure, come in," said Luke, allowing Bruce to come into their apartment. Jessica got off the couch and asked, "Not to sound rude, but how do you know who we are Mr. Wayne?" Luke shut the door behind him. "I'm well acquainted with Tony Stark and Peter Parker," said Bruce, "they've told me about you."

"Wait, you know Pete and Tony?" Luke asked, surprised. "Yes," said Bruce, "perhaps we could talk privately?" Jessica nodded and said, "Dani, Mommy and Daddy need to do some grownup talking with Mr. Wayne in the kitchen. Can you watch Sesame Street or My Little Pony while the grownups talk?" Dani smiled and said, "Okay Mommy." Jess, Luke, and Bruce left Dani alone as she looked to see whether Sesame Street or My Little Pony was on.

Once the three heroes were in the kitchen, Jessica asked, "Alright Bruce, what do you want to talk about?" She was trying to decide whether to trust this guy. She'd dealt with handsome men in suits before whom she didn't trust. Zebediah Kilggrave being a prime example. Tony Stark was an exception since he was a friend of Luke and Danny's. "In case you haven't heard," said Bruce, "an Avengers Base is being formed in Gotham, funded by SHIELD, Tony Stark, and I."

"Like the West Coast Avengers?" asked Luke. "Something like that," said Bruce, "your friend Peter is going to be a part of the team." Jessica raised an eyebrow and asked, "How do you know about Peter?" Bruce smirked at Jessica and said, "You could say I'm a bit of a detective like you Jessica." He winked at her and Luke indicating that he was Batman. "You calling yourselves the Gotham Avengers?" Jessica jokingly asked, "Cuz that sounds more like a baseball team."

"The main reason I came here was to offer you a position on the team Jessica," stated Bruce. Jessica and Luke were thrown off guard. "Wait, are you serious?" Jessica asked, "I'm anything but Avengers material. Four years ago, I was a foul-mouthed cynical alcoholic with PTSD that would've gotten kicked off The Avengers for my behavior. Besides, Luke is better qualified, and we're parents!"

"I understand," said Bruce, "but Peter has faith that you'd make an excellent asset to the team. And if you join the team there will be benefits." Luke raised an eyebrow and asked, "What kind of benefits?"

"You'll get good pay for one Jessica," said Bruce, "including health and dental benefits. I can even give your husband a full-time job at Wayne Enterprises with the same benefits mentioned before. And I'll even help with your daughter's future education and college tuition." Luke and Jessica looked at Bruce in astonishment. "Sweet Christmas..." Luke said, then he looked at Jessica, "babe, it sounds like a good offer too foolish to refuse. Plus I could provide a lot more for you and Dani." 

"Are you sure?" asked Jessica, "Won't you be a little jealous?" Luke chuckled and said, "Babe, I could never be jealous of you. It's your turn to be the hero." Jessica looked at Bruce and said, "Alright Mr. Wayne, I'll join your team, on one condition." Bruce nodded and said, "And what's that?" 

"I want you to assign Claire Temple as a medical doctor for the team," said Jessica, "she's a good doctor and a good family friend. She knows how to patch up heroes well, and she'll definitely be of good help. Plus, someone's gotta keep an eye on Dani." Bruce smiled and said, "Deal." Jessica and Luke shook Bruce's hand and Jess said, "Well then congratulations Bruce Wayne, you've got yourself another Gotham Avenger."

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