Game Plan

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The Gotham Avengers went back to their base to think of a logical plan. They were in the medical room in more comfortable clothing. Piotr was in his non-metallic form and Claire was bandaging his wrist that Superman crushed. "You are lucky you were in your metallic form Piotr," said Claire, "seems all you're suffering is a few bruises and a sprained wrist. The damage would be much worse if you were in your non-metallic form." Piotr chuckled and said, "I guess my pride isn't the only thing that's bruised. Are you alright Dinah?"

"I'm fine Piotr," said Dinah, "not the first time I almost died from falling." Peter was massaging Barbara's sore aching back. "Can you move your toes for me Barbara?" asked Peter. Barbara looked at her bare feet and moved her toes. "Yeah, I can walk," said Barbara, "I think it's a miracle I can still walk after being thrown around like a ragdoll." Her ankle was slightly sprained, but not too badly. It was slightly bandaged. Luke came in and was massaging Jessica's sore back. "Sorry for knocking the wind out of you Jessica," said a mortified Barbara. "It's fine Babs," said Jessica, "stuff happens. That feels good babe..." As Luke massaged her back, he grumpily said, "Still can't believe that evil Superman did this. If he was under a red sun, I'd whoop that farm-boy's ass."

 "Uh, Luke... There's a kid here," said Jessica. "You said a bad word Daddy," said Dani. Luke blushed in embarrassment and said, "Sorry ladies." Everyone laughed. "Maybe we should speak in a G rated manner," Virgil jokingly said, "all joking aside, what do we do?"

"I don't know Virgil," said Barbara, "I never thought we'd be dealing with an evil version of Superman. For all we know, he might be a dictator of a regime in his world. And now he wants the Infinity Gauntlet..." 

"Wouldn't it be pointless to get the Gauntlet?" asked Jessica, "I mean, he's Superman. Does he really need something like that?" 

"Even Superman has his limits Jessica," stated Barbara, "under a red sun, Superman would slowly, but surely, lose all his powers. Which would be an advantage for your husband as he stated. And for Piotr and Peter." Luke smirked and said, "Dang right." He winked at Jess. "My Canary Cry can give him a wopper headache," said Dinah. "He's also vulnerable to magic," stated Barbara, "and there are various types of Kryptonite that can harm or most likely kill."

"If Superman had the Gauntlet," said Peter, "he could use the stones to take out his weaknesses. He could be as powerful as Dr. Manhattan..."  Jessica scoffed at what Peter said, and laughed, "Ah come on, Dr. Manhattan is a myth!" Dinah crossed her arms and said, "The Watchmen are real, Jessica. The JSA crossed paths with the Watchmen plenty of times. Heck, Wildcat was friends with Nite-Owl and Silk Spectre." Jessica rolled her eyes and said, "Sure they are. I'll believe it when I see it."  

"Our main concern is the Gauntlet," said Barbara. "Barbara's right," said Peter, "Thanos mostly got the Gauntlet to impress Mistress Death. I dread to think what an evil Superman could do with the Infinity Gauntlet..." Barbara lay her fist on her chin in a pondering manner. "Every villain has a reason behind their motive," said Barbara, "Perhaps we could find out..." 

"There's a likelihood he will go berserk," said Piotr. "I gotta agree with Piotr," said Virgil, "unless you got a stick of Kryptonite up your sleeve." Barbara smiled and said, "Well let's just say, Bruce was prepared for a worse-case scenario like this. Come with me." Everyone followed Barbara, Virgil, Luke, and Dani behind. "Even if Supes wasn't under a red sun," Virgil whispered to Luke, "how would you fare against him?" Luke smirked and whispered, "I can take a beating due to my impervious skin. So I could take whatever Big Blue hits at me. Yeah, I'd get exhausted from fighting depending on how long the fight goes. But if he wants to beat me, he's gotta earn it." The team was then taken to the laboratory. 

"Bruce, Peter, Tony, and I worked together to create specific suits for a situation like this," said Barbara. She then got out a new Spider-Man suit. The mask was like his red mask with the black webbing. But the eye lenses were green. The body suit was black, with a green spider symbol, with a green vibe connecting to the arms, the hands, and the belt buckle. "Peter, your suit is green Kryptonite fueled, and can go into stealth mode," said Barbara, "nobody will see you coming. And with electrocuting web-shooters. I've built similar suits for all of you." She then showed off various black stealth suits created specifically for each individual member. "Dinah, your suit is Kryptonite fueled, and will enhance your sonic scream," said Barbara, "Piotr, yours is also Kryptonite fueled, and comes with green Kryptonite brass knuckles. Jessica, your suit is fueled by red solar energy, with red solar power gauntlets. Gives you an edge. Virgil, yours is like Jessica's, except your red solar power gauntlets allow you to use your electromagnetic powers, giving you more of a shock. My suit is fueled with a combo of Kryptonite and red solar energy. And these suits triple your speed and strength."  

Jessica held her new suit and said, "I gotta say, you really outdid yourself Babs." Barbara smiled and said, "I'm an inventor like Peter. It's what I do." Suddenly, a notification was given. The Gotham Avengers ran to the computer. Tony was on screen. "Guys, I got word from Danvers about the other Superman," he said, "he's attacking SWORD, and has been on a rampage. I'll get someone to teleport you there." Barbara nodded and said, "Thank you for the information Stark. Come on Avengers. Let's suit up!"

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