14 hours

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"pretty little angel eyes"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Need to wake him up, need to wake him up," Chan whispered to himself. Time was ticking by, but he couldn't will himself to wake the boy that was sleeping so peacefully.

"Need to wake him up," he repeated again, the same mantra he had been saying for almost thirty minutes with no progress. His hand hovered over Jeongin's shoulder, ready to shake, but he couldn't do it. With a loud sigh, he relaxed his body and his hand.

"Need to let him sleep," he mumbled sternly, making his final decision. Chan's arm was tingling with pins and needles from it being trapped behind Jeongin, but he couldn't bear waking the boy up to shake it. Not when he was a shivering, coughing mess and Chan knew he could barely feel it. If he woke up, all the pain and suffering would come back to him. So, Chan said to himself, I'll let him sleep. It's the only time he ever seems truly peaceful.

With a heavy heart and even heavier eyelids, Chan fell into a light slumber on the small couch.

twenty four hours ☄ jeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now