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"read the first word of every chapter for a hidden surprise"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Jeongin yelled into the abyss, the white that was surrounding him starting to feel suffocating.

"Chan!" He called out again, searching for the male that he was supposed to be with in Heaven. The only response was the white, the white that was taunting him instead of comforting him. Jeongin remembered the way Chan replied to his question about the two being in heaven together, and an overwhelming sadness settled over his heart.

What did it mean when Chan's eyes seemed to dull and his mind seemed to whir?

After what felt like hours of searching, Jeongin came to a conclusion that made his heart break and his head spin. Chan wasn't coming with him to wherever he was, the man wouldn't be there to brush his hair or hug him or kiss him.

Jeongin fell to his knees, palms slapping against the ground with a sound that echoed throughout the endless room. He wasn't used to the extra weight on his back from the wings that had settled themselves there or the pain and loneliness in his heart. White was supposed to be a happy, pure color, so why did the white feel like it was choking Jeongin, stealing what little happiness he had left for itself?

A sob escaped his lips, but no tears fell, for tears were but a distant memory in heaven. His eyes burned, his throat was scratchy, and the wings on his back irritated him every time he tripped over them, nothing was going right. Chan was supposed to be next to him, soothing him and calming him down, teaching him how to fly with his newly acquired ability.

Light footsteps were heard over Jeongin's loud tearless sobs, and he looked up, being met with someone he'd never been more grateful to see.

"Channie?" He called out.

"I knew you'd be a gorgeous angel."

twenty four hours ☄ jeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now