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Happy New Year, everyone! Hope you have a great 2019 :)

One year later
Jin - 13
Yoongi - 12
Hobi, Namjoon - 11
Jimin, Tae - 10
Jungkook - 8


"I'm not asking for your entire fortune, Lee Wooseong. I just want my son back."

"He's not your son. You didn't want him."

"So what? That was years ago. Have you not heard of, blood is thicker than water? Do you think you can lie to my son for his entire life? That you can make him believe you are his father? Fire cannot be contained by paper, and your paper has already burnt into ashes."

"We'll see about that. I raised your son from when he was an infant. You abandoned him in an alleyway. Have you ever thought about how hurt he would feel when he learns that his own father didn't want him? He's my son now. Look, he doesn't even call you 'dad'. And it means a lot that he calls me his father. Mr Jeon, I believe the fairest way is to let Jungkook choose by himself - to stay with me, or to go with you."

"Okay. I agree that's fair. Jungkook will choose." Mr Jeon clenched his fists, glad that it was through a phone call so that Wooseong couldn't see his face, red flushed with anger. He hung up the phone.

"Wait for me, Jeon Jungkook. You're coming with me, no matter what." He mumbled as he pulled on his dress shirt and tie and got ready for work.


Hobi stepped into the new dance studio for the first time. He had been dancing for years, and because of his talent, Hobi was switched into the advanced class. It was a sudden arrangement, and Hobi was afraid he couldn't adapt to his new class so abruptly. Nonetheless, he was excited all the same. He was the youngest student in his new dance class.

When he entered the room, Hobi felt a lump form in his throat. All of the other dancers were at least half a head taller than him. It was an All-Boys dance class, and it made Hobi feel completely left out when he was the last to be picked to form teams.

Maybe it was because he was smaller, younger, perhaps even better, and the other boys weren't keen to have a new competitor. Everyone was on the edge, wanting to be picked for any scholarships out there, so that their futures in art schools can be rest assured. Hobi was no different - he wanted to win a scholarship so badly. Any scholarship would do, so that his father would have one less son to worry about in middle school.

Hobi slowly walked to his assigned group. The other boys shot absolutely poisonous glares at him, as if to say, little kid, what can you do?

And Hobi wanted to defend himself by saying he was really just one year younger than the rest of them, but decided that silence would be the smarter way out.

The lesson began, and once again, Hobi's incredible talent stood out. The teacher picked him to dance right at the centre of the stage. One by one, the other boys were drawn into Hobi's powerful performance. The previous cold and unwelcoming glares were replaced with looks of recognition and respect.

Hobi lived up to his title as the Dance King of the school.

The teacher gave them a short break. While the boys lay around, sipping their drinks and cooling off in front of the air-conditioner, some of them approached Hobi and asked if they could practise together.

Sure, we can. Hobi had said. Even after the first dance session ended, the entire class stayed back in the studio, practising the routine they had just learned. Hobi was like their second teacher. From the window, the dance instructor observed Hobi leading the class, dancing powerfully, but at the same time, he'd stop and sharpen each boy's movements.

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