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wow I almost thought that books, pens and notes themselves could murder me already. School is killing me :( so to whoever out there who is struggling with school like me, take heart and don't be discouraged! We can overcome this :) it's just a hurdle at this point in our life, to make us stronger afterwards.

a filler chapter to prepare your hearts for what's coming up. Don't say that I didn't warn you 😇 also, have a good day/afternoon/night wherever you are!

Jin stared at his reflection in the mirror. His brows furrowed as he studied his features.

He had a haircut recently. It wasn't a great haircut, so Jin wasn't particularly satisfied with it. His bangs had been cut a little too short and choppy, and revealed too much of his forehead that he had wanted to hide. Plus, the length of his hair in general is shorter than what he'd like it to be.

Bad haircuts, Jin groaned.

He brushed his bangs over and over, trying to set his hair in a place he liked. But they wouldn't stay. Giving up, Jin studied the rest of his face carefully. He had begun learning to use facial wash, which his younger brothers still found a waste of time. Chaesung taught him to take care of his skin, especially since he was hitting the age for puberty. So his skin was smooth, and he liked that.

But then, he looked at his eyes. They were okay, not at all fabulous or amazing, though. Jin looked a little further down. His mouth drooped a little, and Jin wondered if he should go on a diet to lose a little more weight.

"Hey," A soft voice came behind him.

Jin turned around. Jieun was standing there, giving him such a sweet smile that Jin felt his hands turn clammy.

She's looking at me! What do I do? What do I say? What do I do!

"You okay?" Jieun chuckled softly. "Your ears are turning red." She took a step closer.

Jin took a step backwards.

He felt the air around him heating up, and the back of his shirt was starting to stick to his sweaty skin. His breathing quickened.

He tried to take in a deep breath, but he caught a whiff of Jieun's perfume.

Oh my gosh! I'm talking to a girl!

"Are you alright, Jin?"

Jin hurriedly choked out, "Oh, um, yes! I'm great, um, feeling good, hmm yeah awesome!" He laughed nervously. "How about you?"

Way to go, Lee Seokjin. You just ruined the first impression.

But Jieun only looked amused.

She turned away, but Jin caught sight of a shy smile which formed on her face.

"So, is this your first time acting?" Jieun asked softly.

Jin nodded, feeling his face burning hot. He glimpsed at his reflection on the studio's mirror. His ears were bright red, and so were his cheeks.

"Ah." Jieun continued. "So it's your first time." She didn't sound too shy now. Instead, she sounded a little more confident. "It's my fourth time acting. I've acted once in elementary school."

Jin recalled the school plays he had seen every year since he entered middle school. Jieun had always been the female lead. She never failed to captivate him with her perfect voice and confident demeanour. She had amazing visuals, the first person who made Jin nervous about his own face.

"So...I have the honour to be acting as your partner in your fourth play." Jin finally said without stumbling.

Jieun laughed. "I guess."

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