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Jungkook stepped into the school compound. It was the new year, which meant new classes, new friends, new faces.

But he went into his homeroom only to see Yugyeom in the same room. He was early, so it was only Yugyeom and him.

"Well, it stinks that we are classmates again. I have to see you for another year. Sickening. I am going to be cursed." Yugyeom said with a smirk. "This is going to be an interesting year. Sucks to see you, by the way."

Jungkook felt a chill run down his spine, and he was paralysed just at the memories of how Yugyeom and Mingyu had tormented him in his first year at IMS.

But there was something a little different today, too.

Instead of freezing on the spot, shutting his eyes tight and anticipating whatever profanities or degrading phrases Yugyeom could hurl at him, Jungkook confidently walked a step closer towards Yugyeom and said, "Well, it's a beautiful day today, Yugyeom. Good day to you, too."

And Yugyeom silenced, blinking in confusion, his eyes following Jungkook's back as the latter took his seat at the other end of the room, as far away from him as possible.

Did he just tell me good day? Yugyeom tilted his head to one side.


The whole class fell silent as the vice-principal (VP) stepped into the room. A few boys at the back had their heads dropped onto the table, buried in their arms. Jungkook took a sneak peek back. Although everything was deathly silent, he saw their shoulders shaking wildly.

"I am sure all of you have been aware that you've had a missing friend for the past two weeks." The VP began.

The children nodded. Jungkook didn't know what to do, but he simply nodded along. He hadn't been in school for some time.

The VP gestured towards the empty seat next to Yugyeom.

"Our friend, Kim Mingyu, had not come to school for a few weeks, since last year. He had been irregular with his attendance, and sometimes perpetually uncontactable. I was told that many of you had attempted to call him, or visit his home, but there was no answer. Rest assured, even your teacher, and the school leaders, have tried to locate Mingyu's whereabouts. But none of us could find anything. His parents were also uncontactable. Or perhaps, they did not answer any of our calls, even when our calls went through." The VP continued. "Two days ago, we received a call from Mingyu's father. It wasn't his father speaking, though. It was his sister."

All of the boys in class stayed completely still and quiet. Jungkook felt his heart beginning to race. Everyone knew something that he didn't. He was getting nervous.

"His sister told us that Kim Mingyu had lost his life." The VP said grimly.

A few sobs erupted from the back row of the room.

"His mother was sick..." The VP seemed to hesitate upon explaining the truth to a class of ten-year-olds. But the class teacher nodded, urging the VP to tell the children the whole story. So he did. "She mistook Mingyu for someone else, and she beat him to death. It was an accidental death. He had a few broken ribs-" The VP stopped, not wanting to delve too deep.

More sobs echoed throughout the silent room.

"I know this is hard news for all of you. We didn't know how to explain it either. But I think it is only fair for all of you, his friends, to know the real story." The VP said solemnly. He picked up a marker and wrote a few words on the whiteboard. "His father has allowed the school to organise a memorial service for Mingyu. We would like to invite all of you, his direct classmates, to be there with him on his final journey."

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