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Looks like there will be a sequel to Always With You

"I thought you said Jin-hyung wouldn't ditch us." Jimin shot a glance at Hobi.

Hobi panicked. "Well, he's never."

Jimin shrugged. He knew full well Jin has never been late to pick them up. At least, he wouldn't just turn up late. He would've called one of them to let them know.

"Jin hyung seems out of it lately." Tae piped up. He was sitting on the sidewalk, unwrapping a lollipop. He looked up and saw Jimin staring longingly at him. Right away, he fished out another from his bag and gave it to Jimin. "I don't know, it can't possibly be about Jieun either. They never officially broke up anyway."

Jimin hummed in agreement. "Maybe he's missing his girlfriend?"

Tae frowned. "I doubt it, Jin still calls her every night. Long distance relationships aren't exactly the easiest to maintain."

"Remember how close he was to actually flying over to London to be there with her?"

The brothers giggled as they recalled the snippets of the phone calls they had overheard. They couldn't deny that Jin was really a sweet boyfriend. Anyone could tell that Jieun liked Jin and vice versa and there was nothing that could separate those two.

"Is it just me, or have you guys also noticed how dissociated Jin seems? He put salt in his coffee instead of sugar and then blamed me for it." Tae pouted.

Namjoon shot him a glance and pointed out, "That's because you did exactly that twice. That puts you on the naughty list."

And Tae began to whine as the other boys began throwing seemingly true accusations at him.

The next time Jimin checked the time, they have been waiting outside the high school for thirty minutes, and they were getting tired.

"Someone just call him. I'd drive you guys if I had a licence-" Namjoon started, but Hobi interrupted, "Don't you dare get one." And Namjoon sulked for a few seconds before admitting defeat.

"But you can help to call Jin." Hobi suggested. But before Namjoon could dial, Hobi's phone rang. It was an incoming call from Yoongi.

"Where are you?" Yoongi asked, without even waiting for Hobi to say hello.

"Stranded outside school." Hobi replied cheerfully nonetheless. "Where are you?"

"I told you so." Came Jungkook's muffled voice. Yoongi took over and continued, "We are going to pick you guys up."


Twenty minutes later, Yoongi and Jungkook pulled over at the high school, greeted by four boys sitting on the pavement leaning against the wall.

"What's up with Jin today? He usually never comes late to pick us up." Namjoon asked first-thing when he hopped into the car, thankful for the air-conditioning.

Jungkook shrugged. "Yoongi-hyung and I are speculating that perhaps Jin is struggling with something. I mean, who doesn't struggle with anything? But Jin doesn't tell us when he's having a hard time because being a hyung to him means he has to be strong for all of us."

Hobi whistled. "Yoongi briefed you on what to tell us, huh."

"Yeah," Tae teased. "You're not this analytical."

Jungkook crossed his arms, pouted his lips and tugged at Yoongi's sleeve, wanting to be avenged.

"Cut him some slack. The kid's still in middle school." Yoongi said, adding oil to the flame for the fun of it. And then he added, "He's going to get smarter when he reaches high school. Give him some time. Anyway, that isn't the point. What we have to do now is to decide what we are going to do for Jin. Kook and I bought floor mats. We are going to bunk in our room tonight."

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