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Q&A is still open so feel free to drop me a question :)



I recommend that you answer your phone right this instant

Or else

What's up hyung?

You're literally just two tables away from me though?

Point taken

Anyways, you have to meet the other dongsaengs by yourself today.

I have an extra vocal class after school.

I can't do it today

What do you mean by that

We do it everyday.

Yeah I know.

But I can't make it today


Don't get mad at me if I tell you


What is it?

Daniel-hyung is taking me out.


The next thing he knew, Yoongi found himself face to face with an angry Jin. Or maybe, it wasn't really anger. Perhaps it was hurtfulness, pain, confusion, because Yoongi had chosen to spend his day with the Mins, the people who abandoned him. Maybe Jin's red-flushed face was a reflection of unhappiness, dissatisfaction.


"Are you coming back to sleep tonight, then?" Jin finally asked.

Yoongi paused for a moment. But Jin saw his hesitation. "Yeah, I will." Yoongi answered, hoping that Jin would be satisfied.

But Jin only nodded, his face still expressionless. Before he walked off to join his class, Jin said softly, not quite facing Yoongi at all, "I'll skip my class and walk them home. One of us needs to be there to watch them, and to control Hobi and Tae. Stay safe, okay?"

"Yes, hyung." Yoongi murmured, but Jin was already walking away. Yoongi wondered if Jin had heard him at all. Still, he added, "I'm sorry."

Yoongi felt a new feeling within him. Remorse? Regret? He couldn't tell.

But he did know of a familiar ache in his heart. And that was because he saw that disappointment in Jin's eyes.

That eldest hyung that had always been proud of him (and their other younger brothers). The eldest son of the family who'd face their father alone, taking the hardest blows all by himself so that the dongsaengs would be spared of the pain. The eldest brother who always watched out for his back, and always looked at him prouder than anyone else as Yoongi walked into elementary school with their five younger brothers.

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