Chp.2 The Legendary Warrior

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While Star and Marco were at home for their safety and Moon and the high commissioners working on their plans, meanwhile at te mountains, there was a big castle as Glossaryck got there. Two big guards were guarding the door as they saw Glossaryck approach to them.

"Halt, who goes there!" Says the guard

"Its me, Glossaryck."

"What brings you here Glossaryck?"

"The queen send me here to check on (YN) if he's iced up and locked up for good."

"Well, it is the queens orders." Says the other guard.

The guards opened the big door for Glossaryck to enter the castle, as he did, there were more guards, just working on on duty. As one came, which was the captain.

"Ah, Glossaryck, What brings you here.?"

"Hey Cap, nothing much just looking at your men, working really hard and I was sent here by Queen Moon to check on (YN)."

"The legendary warrior eh? Well follow me."

The captain leads Glossaryck to the room were the legendary warrior was iced up and locked up as he follows him. They both went downstairs We're is really deep to the ground, I say 30 feet. As they arrive to the ground from those stairs they took, they started heading to a door where two guards are guarding the door.

"Open the door men."

"Yes sir!" As the guards said it at the same time.

The door was made out of hard solid metal, they had it locked with bunch of locks, as the guards unlocked the door, they opened it to let the captain and Glossaryck in. They both got in, and there he was, The legendary warrior just frozen up from Rhombulus's frozen ice power, he was was frozen up in a position as if he was going to strike/attack someone with rage eyes and ferocious teeth.

"The legendary warrior." Says Glossaryck

"Yup, that kid is still iced up, besides, why did the Queen order you to come here anyways?" Says the captain as he crossed his arms

"Because one of our high commissioners were told that sooner or later, he will break himself free some how and come to Mewni and destroy everything and everyone."

"Imposible, you really think this kid can really break himself, not a chance, and besides the Queen never told us about his story, do you know anything about him?"

"As a matter of fact indeed..."


"3 years ago, Her daughter, Star Butterfly was still on Earth, Queen moon called me for an urgent mission, as I went to Mewni, she also called the high commissioners, she told us that she picked up a strange signal coming from another village not far from the castle of Mewni. So we all went to that village and Once we got there, the village was being destroyed, fire everywhere, burning houses, and civilians panicking."

"What the hell happened here?!"Says Hekapoo

"The village has been destroyed!" Says Omnitraxus Prime.

"Who did this and why?!?" Says Queen Moon.

Suddenly a civilian approached to them, the civilian was hurt, he had a bloody shoulder and a bloody nose.

"P-Please, Help us...!" Says the civilian as he can barely speak.

The high commissioners ran to the civilian to help him out.

Star Vs The Legendary Warrior (Star x Male Reader) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now