Chp.10 Knowing New People

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(YN) then gets out of the bathroom, but then noticed how embarrassing he feels wearing the pink shirt Star got for him.

"Oh (YN), your done! So, what you think?" Ask Star with a smile on her face.

"Wh-Why pink? Isn't pink for girls?!"

"No silly, pink can be for men as well and boys like you too...why, you don't like it?"

"Y-Yes, it's just that...I never wear this color before."


Star started to feel bad about giving (YN) the pink shirt, but (YN) then noticed the face Star made after what he said made her feel bad, knowing that he is started to say that he doesn't like the shirt Star gave him.

"But, since you did made this pink shirt, I rather have it on forever."

"R-Really! Oh I mean...really?"

"Sure, as long as my friend gave it to me, I will always have it on, just for you Star, and thanks for the shirt."

"Aww, your welcome."

Star hugs (YN), he froze for a moment and then hugged her back with a smile. They hugged for a while as Star continues to hold (YN).



"I think that's enough."

"Oh, s-sorry I didn't mean to hug you that was my attention and..."

"Heheh, don't sweat it Star, it's okay, I don't mind, now I know why you love hugs."

"Hehe, yea"

"Anyways, wheres Marco?"

"Oh, he's downstairs, come on let's go see what's he doing."


Star and (YN) went downstairs to check on Marco, then as they got to the living room, they proved that Marco was talking with someone.

"Marco?" Ask Star.

"Oh hey guys, look who came."

It was Glossaryck.


"Hey Star." Says Glossaryck.

"Your back, how are you feeling?"

"Better than ever."

"That's great."

"Now, will you excuse me, I have to go to the spell book and...a-and......"

Glossaryck then noticed that (YN) was here as well, he was terrified to see (YN) here at earth and especially Marco's house.

"It's him!"

Glossaryck goes hide behind Marco.

"The legendary warrior! We gotta call your mother!"

"What!?! Nononono, Glossaryck it's fine, he's not evil, he's good."

"Good!? Star, he tried to kill me back at the castle We're he was held prison!"

"Oh really? If he really wanted to kill you, he would have done it right now no?" Ask Marco.


Glossaryck then barely noticed that (YN) wasn't how he was back then.

"Why is he like this? Isn't he suppose to get raged or something?"

"Actually no, this whole time he was a good person after all." Says Star.

Glossaryck then starts to observes (YN).

"Hmm, he does look normal, but why the pink shirt?

"Hey, respect the shirt, it was made by my best friend Star." Says (YN) as he hugs himself with the pink shirt.

" *sighs* anyways, (YN) seemed, calm and quiet, why?"

"I'm just like this, just like my father told me, always calm, noble and strong."

"So your father made you a crazy, angry lunatic person."

"Glossaryck!" Says both Star and Marco.

"What, just saying?"

"No, my father wasn't like that, he will only trained me to become like him, a hero, a warrior, but since he...died and my mother as well, I have to get my revenge on that lizard."

"Lizard? What lizard?" Ask Star.

"His name is .... Argh!"

"(YN), what's wrong!?" Ask Star.

" hurts...bad!!"

(YN) was holding his head with both arms and started to feel pain.

"Your head!? What's wrong with it?!" Ask Marco

Then, (YN) was starting to feel better and the pain was gone.

"You okay? Ask Star.

"Y-Yea...I forgot to mentioned you guys...eve since I came to Mewni for survival...I hit my head with a rock, and I can't remember nothing, besides the death of my parents."

"But do you still remember the person who killed them? You said it was a lizard right?" Ask Glossaryck.

"Y-Yea...but cant remember...his name...Damn it!"

"It's okay, we'll figure it out soon, but right now, we are going to go to the park, so we can show you around echo creek." Says Marco.

"Y-Yea...Walking does make me calm."

"Don't worry, we are here to help you (YN)." Says Star.

"Thanks Star."

"Anytime, now come on, let's go to the park."


"You wanna come Glossaryck?" Ask Star.

"Nah, I'll stay here and enjoy Marco's delicious pudding."

"Really, Okay just don't finish then all."

"I won't."

"Come lets go guys."

                                  End of Chapter 10

Star Vs The Legendary Warrior (Star x Male Reader) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now