Chp.4 Freedom

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Back at the castle where (YN) is, he was just there iced up and locked up in the room he is now, but not for long, as he already can move his eyes. As he move them, he looks at his left arm, trying to move with all of his strength. All that strength, just made the ice crack even more as he tried using his other arm to move it as well, heck, he moved the ice to break himself free. As he did, he burst out from the ice as all the pieces were broken everywhere, and there goes (YN), the legendary warrior has been free. He was on his knees as he frees himself, he was catching his breathe for a moment as he stands up and and looks at the metal solid door, and roars loudly.


The guards that were guarding the door heard him as they were shocked.

" can't be"

The guards slowly opened the solid metal as they peeked a bit, as they saw the ice, broken into pieces everywhere.

"We...We gotta warn the captain!"

Suddenly, (YN) came landing on the ground on feet as he looks at the guards with a growl. He then roars and grabs one guard from the leg and starts slamming him from the ground to the wall repeatedly as the other runs from his life. (YN) then let's the guard go as he starts chasing the other one. He was running on full speed as he already catches the guard by grabbing his head and slams it to the wall real hard. He then let's him go.


As he roars loudly, the siren was set from the room were the other guards are as the Captain as Glossaryck check what is happening.

"What the hell is going on!!?" Yells out the Captain.

"Captain, it seems the legendary warrior...has been free!"

"What!" Replies Glossaryck with a shocking surprise.

"That's impossible, he's-"


The captain stayed quiet as soon he heard (YN)'s roar.

"D-Damn it!!!"

"Captain, what are we going to do?!" Says Glossaryck.

"Oh I know what we are going to do, men, get ready, this is the moment we've been waiting for!"

"Yes sir!"

The guards marched to the weapons room as they grabbed their weapons. As they did, they all waited for (YN) to come from the other door where all the guards are waiting for him. Then, they heard a bang, like if someone wants to break the door down. It was (YN), he knocked the metal door down as he approaches to the guards.

"It''s..." Says the captain as he stutters nervously.

"It's (YN), The legendary Warrior" Say Glossaryck

The guards, The captain and Glossaryck stares at the (YN) as he was in his normal self.

"So, like I said Captain, he will break himself free, just like our high commissioner said so."

"B-But, How!?

"You tell me."

"Nrrrgh, Alright then! Guards show him no mercy!"


For the first time, The captain and Glossaryck heard (YN), speak for the first time, besides his screams and roars.

"Mercy doesn't fear me, I don't fear anything." Says (YN) as he gets in his fighting position.

"But ... I know what you guys are fear of."

"Oh yea, and what's that." Says one guard.

"Pain!" Says (YN) as he already charges for a run to the guards.

"Guards Attack!" Shouts out the captain.

The guards screamed as they charged to (YN) for a fight. (YN) tackled down a few guards. Then, He was taking out all of the guards one by one. He then grabs one guard from the leg and starts spinning him, using him like a weapon to take out some guards, he then finish with and throws him to the wall as the others were still trying to take down (YN). The guards were no match against him. (YN) continues to take out the guards as he then raises his arms up way high and uses them to smash the ground, causing everything to shake, and the floor as everything is collapsing, rocks were falling and ending up hurting the guards. As they did, (YN) felt like he already took care of them already, and focuses on the Captain and Glossaryck, as they are on the other side where they crossed a bridge. (YN) then starts to run after them as he crosses the bridge.

"Captain, What now?!?" Ask Glossaryck.

"Rifles!" Shout our the Captain.

The guards raised their rifles up high as they targeted the rocks to shoot them down. (YN) continues to run the bridge. The guards then shot their rifles at the rocks as they started to fall towards the bridge. (YN) then stops running as he realize that everything was shaking, he looks up, seeing rocks falling towards him, he then runs as fast as he can to reach the other side,  it it was too late, a big boulder just came falling, causing the bridge to collapse with (YN), and falls all the way to the ground as the Captain laughs.

"HAHAHA! So long you fool!"

As (YN) falls, he then gets the idea of how to save himself, as some big rocks were falling, he starts to grab on one rock and starts climbing one to another to reach the top, he then realizes that the top were bombs, so he continues to climb as tries to jump high enough to grab them. So he jumped, and successfully grabbed them as he falls down back to the captain and Glossaryck and the guards as well as he starts the bombs and throws it to them.

"Oh shit!!!" Screamed the Captain.

The bombs then explode, so much it did damage to the castle, causing to collapse the whole castle. As the castle has been destroyed, Glossaryck was hurt bad, he got and can barely stand and then noticed that someone was behind him, it was (YN) Of course, and he wasn't hurt, it's like the bombs never did damage to him. Glossaryck then trips and seems scared to (YN) he then backs up to not get himself killed from the legendary warrior.

"N-No, please, I beg you I didn't do anything..!" Says Glossaryck with a terrifying reply.

(YN) then growls as he starts to approach to Glossaryck slowly. He then approached to him as Glossaryck tilts his head left and had his eyes shut, just waiting for (YN) to do his next move. But Glossaryck waited, all he hears is wind and silence, once he opened his eyes slowly, he then realizes that (YN) has disappeared.

"Wh-Where in the glob he left!?"

Glossaryck was so confused knowing that (YN) had disappeared quickly.

"I...I gotta warm Queen Moon!" 

Glossaryck then gets up from his feet's and starts to fly back to Mewni to give Queen Moon the bad new.

End of Chapter 4

Star Vs The Legendary Warrior (Star x Male Reader) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now