Chp.11 The Park

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It was still afternoon, 2:55, Star, Marco and (YN) we're walking at the park and saw there friends.

"Oh look there's our friends!" Says Star.

"Hey guys!" Yelled Marco as he waved.

"Marco, What's up dude." Says Jackie as she high fives Marco.

"Hey Jackie."

"Hi Jackie." Says Star.

"Hey Star."

"Hey Star...Heeeyy Marco." Says Janna.

" ...Hey Janna." Says Marco.

"Hey bro." Says Ferguson.

"Hey dude." Says Alfonso.

"Hey my broskiis."

"HI STAR!" Shouted StarFan13 as she hugged Star.

"Hi StarFan!" Says Star as she also hugs Her as well.

"What you guys doing?" Ask Marco.

"Oh you know we're just chillin, playing catch, when we heard you calling us." Says Jackie.

"So Star, Marco...Who's that behind ya?" Ask Janna as she started to get curious.

"Oh! Guys, I want y'all to meet our friend, (YN), (YN) there our friends, Jackie, Janna, StarFan13, Alfonso, and Ferguson." Says Star.

"Hey dude, nice shirt by the way, looking style." Says Jackie.


"Are you new here?" Ask Janna.


"Actually it's a long story." Says Marco.


"And that's how he got here." Says Marco

"Wow, it's ... pretty dark knowing what happen to (YN)'s last." Says Janna.

"Yea, so uncool." Says Jackie.

"It must be hard for you being alone with your family dude." Says Ferguson.

"I feel sorry for you." Says StarFan13.

"Yea, so sad man." Says Alfonso.

"It's okay guys." Says (YN).

"But don't worry man, we have your back, your our friends already." Says Jackie. "And besides, you seemed to look calm and quiet."

"He's always like this so calm...noble...and cute.." Says Star.

"What was that?" Ask Janna.

"Nothing! Hey let's play catch."

"Yea, come on (YN), you will have fun."


The guys were playing catch with the football. Jackie had the ball as she throws it to Marco.

"Catch Marco."

"I got it."

Marco catches the ball as she starts to throw it to Janna.

"Go far Janna."

Marco throws the ball at her as Janna starts to run and catches the ball.

"Got it."

Janna then throws the ball to Ferguson.

"Catch Chubby boy."

"Got it."

Ferguson throws the ball to Alfonso.

"Catch Alfonso."

"Good throw."

Star Vs The Legendary Warrior (Star x Male Reader) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now