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At Smash Mansion

All 74 Smashers, from Echo Fighters, to the New Arrivals, were eating dinner

But apparently, it wasn't actually all of them, they noticed that one person is missing


"Hey, has anyone seen Bowser around here?" Mario asked out loud

The Smashers were wondering the same thing,

but others, well,

"Why should we care about that overgrown turtle?" Sonic asked

"Yeah, he's always been a complete pushover!" Pit shouted

Mario was about to reply, until-


A sphere of light, surrounded by glass shards, was the last thing the Smashers saw,

and then,


They All vanished without a trace,

In an unknown room

"Ow, my head." Was the same thing all of the Smashers groaned when they awoken

They got up and saw that they were in a theater room, a Large Theater Room to be exact,

"Hey! What in tarnation's going on here!?" King Dedede yelled in outrage

"Pika!" As well as Pikachu

The Smashers were about to do the same until-


All of the Fighters stopped, and looked at the center of the room, and saw a monstrous raptor, with sharp claws, jagged fangs, and a rugged body.

All of the Fighters stopped, and looked at the center of the room, and saw a monstrous raptor, with sharp claws, jagged fangs, and a rugged body

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"Hi, my name's Stryker, and I'm here to show you-GAH!"

The Indominus Indoraptor was cut off when a the Pig Demon Ganondorf grabbed him in his grasp.

"You dare bring us here, you will p-."




Stryker tail-whacked the Pig Demon away.

The Smasher were shocked at what happened

Link and Zelda ran over to help Ganondorf up


The Indominus Indoraptor laughed at the Lord of Darkness' 'attempt' to kill him

"Oh Ganon, if I wanted you all dead."

His jaws got wider,and his face got blood red, and the room got dark

"I wOuLd haVE DonE So AlrEady."

The Smashers were shocked and scared at first,

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The Smashers were shocked and scared at first,

After a short time, Stryker stopped and returned to normal,

"Now I'm here because I want all of you to watch this movie!"

They all gaped at him,

Mario walked up to him

"But where's-a Bowser?" The plumber asked

Stryker grinned

"I'll show you, but first, everyone take your seats! If you need to use the bathroom, it's down the stairs to your right, and if you need to eat or drink, down the stairs to your left!"

The Smashers wanted to question, but they had no choice, and instead followed the Stryker's instructions, and took their seats,

"Okay, everyone seated!?"

They all nodded

"Great! Now everyone, prepare yourselves to watch an epic monster movie! Created by KingAsylus!"

The Screen brightened, and began to to play.

(Oh man! My first react fic, and yes I may have kidnapped the Smashers, but don't worry, it will be okay!

I'll see you all in the First part of Godzilla vs Koopzilla!)

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