Godzilla vs Koopzilla Part 1

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Normal: Audience talking

Bold: In-movie and characters talking




an Insignia of a monstrous reptile was shown, and in front appeared KAIJUVERSE Studios



The Audience were taken aback at that roar,

"P-pichu!" Pichu jumped and ran into Pikachu's arms,

"Poyo!" Kirby closed his eyes for a minute,

A Luma got frightened and floated towards Rosalina's arms, who held the star protectively.

"W-what was that roar?" Luigi asked frightened

"HAHAHAHA! That was the roar, of Gojira!" Stryker laughed

"W-who's G-"

"Keep watching!"


Then there was an Insignia of Bowser's face, colored red, and in front of it appeared KING BOWSER PRODUCTIONS


"What!? A movie about Bowser!?" King K. Rool yelled

"Yeah! Why not a movie about me!?" King DeDeDe shouted

"No one wants a movie about a fat penguin." Ganondorf said flatly

The rest of the audience yelled in outrage, except for the Mario group

"A movie, about Bowser?" Princess Peach said in surprise

"Mama Mia." Mario and Luigi said in Surprise


Rosalina and Daisy were too stunned to say anything


The Audience went silent,

"Ok, back to the movie!"


"Perhaps you should speak more softly to me, then. Monsters are dangerous beasts, and just now kings seem to be dying like flies."
-George R.R. Martin, A Storm of Swords

"Monsters were wild. Monsters were strong. Monsters were fierce and free. If I was monstrous...perhaps it wasn't such a bad thing."
-Sarah Diemer


"Interesting sayings." Lucina said in surprise

"Pfft, yeah, such a good thing to be one." Samus said, glaring at Ridley, who was next to her


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