Godzilla vs Koopzilla Part 6

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The Smashers were in shock, Bowser, finally fighting Godzilla, hand to hand, but now what scares them the most is,

Who will Win?

"Oh man, Bowser is really holding his own against that monster." Pit said in awe

"Yeah, but for how long?" Zelda said in worry

The other Smashers expressed their views, until-


The Smashers looked and saw Steve speak up,

"Lord Bowser is the Great Koopa King! He can defeat that Giant Lizard!" Steve said proudly

The Mario Group and the Smashers cheered at that,

Except one

'What if I lose? Godzilla will kill Mario and the Princess, and destroy the rest of Mushroom Kingdom!' Bowser thought with doubt

But his thought got interrupted when he felt a hand on his cheek

The Koopa King looked and saw that it was Princess Peach

"Bowser, We believe in you, I believe in you." Peach said sincerely

Bowser smiled,

"Ok everyone! Here it is, the Final Battle!" Stryker announced

The Smashers and the Mario Group took their seats

And the Movie began to play



Clouds shifted through the skies


Thunder Storms occurred

Then the scene shifted to the city, it was dark night,

The scene then shifts into a building, and zoomed inside,

The city was view through a window, and then,


Explosions occurred in the city, showing that Godzilla and Koopzilla were still fighting


The Smashers and the Mario Group tensed at this, but

Mario just crossed his arms and glared at the screen,

'Whats the point of saving the city from destruction, by causing more destruction?' He thought bitterly


The Mario Group and Bowser Trio watched the fight go on,

Hal: Come in, your Giganticness! Take him down!

Mario:(disdained) But even if Bowser saves the city, it'll be useless.

Mario said with his hands on his waist and his eyes closed,

The Mario Group and Bowser Trio were shocked!

Mario Group and Bowser Trio:(shocked) What?


"WHAT!?" The Smashers and the Mario Group, excluding Mario, shouted in shock!

"What do you mean Mario!?" Luigi asked in shock

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