Godzilla vs Koopzilla Part 7 FINAL

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The Smashers could only watch the screen in horror, Koopzilla, Bowser! Has lost!

"K-Koopzilla! No!" Zelda whimpered

"Poyo!" Kirby cried

The rest of the Smashers were horrified, but the ones that are most affected

Was the Mario Group

"NO!" Mario yelled in horror

"KOOPZILLA!!!" Luigi yelled in horror

The Royals were too horrified to say anything

Except for her..

"BOWSER!" Princess Peach cried in grief

Bowser Jr and the Koopalings cried at the 'death' of their Papa,

Bowser just looked down, in shame, he lost, Godzilla won!

'I failed...' Bowser thought in shame.

Stryker looked at them, and then looked down

'I love watching them in despair, but I must show them the Real Ending...' Stryker thought

and then

"Movie's not over yet, let's continue watching it, ok?" Stryker suggested

The Smashers reluctantly nodded, and turned to the screen,



Burning Godzilla watched the flames, where Giga Koopzilla used to be,

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Burning Godzilla watched the flames, where Giga Koopzilla used to be,

The Mario Group and Bowser Trio were shocked, and horrified at the outcome

but then,


Burning Godzilla turned to then, and snarled


The Smashers eyes widened as they knew what will happen next,

"NOOOOOO!" The Smashers cried out in horror

The Mario Group was horrified

"O-Oh no!" Mario shouted

"M-Mama Mia!" Luigi cried

Daisy held on to Luigi, and the Green Plumber hugged to comfort her

Rosalina held her Luma to shield her child from the scene

Peach was crying

"N-nooooo!" She whimpered

Smashers watch Godzilla vs KoopzillaWhere stories live. Discover now