Godzilla vs Koopzilla Part 2

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"Ow, my head."

The Smashers looked at the one who was transported here

It was a large Koopa, with spikes on his back, spike bands on his arms, with a spiked collar around his neck, he has red hair, and had two sharp horns, with the appearance of a Dragon than a Normal Koopa

It was Bowser! The Koopa King!

"Bowser!" The Mario group exclaimed

Bowser turned around and saw all of the Smashers were here too,

"Mario, guys! You're here!" He shouted

"What happened to you?" Peach asked

"Well, I was busy eating my Evil Meat Burger, until suddenly, a flash of light teleported me here, And then, that Monstrous Raptor over there, said that there was a movie about me, fighting a Lizard King." He explained

"But you missed the first part." Mario said

"Actually, He showed it to me, when it was finished, he teleported me to a break room with food and drinks, even a TV! I was impressed of what my opponent could do."

And now it was rest of the Smashers turn to say something

"What? Impressed!?" Corrin exclaimed

"That thing will tear you limb from limb!" Pit shouted


Bowser merely clicked his tongue

"Tch, please, I just so happen to be powerful than Godzilla."



The entire room started laughing at him, except for the Mario group

"Please, you wouldn't even last a minute against that!" Wario taunted

"You can't even defeat a plumber, so what makes you think you can beat him?" Ganondorf sneered

Bowser looked down in embarrassment,


"Enough, We have a movie to watch, Bowser, take your seat."

Bowser went up and took a seat in the Mario section

"Ok, it's showtime!"


The Mushroom Kingdom

It was beautiful city

Mario, Luigi, and Peach were taking a walk, now accompanied with Yoshi and Blue Toad

The City was magnificent! People were talking, others were walking peacefully, everything was peaceful.


"Wow, That City sure looks wonderful!" Zelda happily said

"Meh, it's alright." Dark Pit muttered

"It'd be a good place to walk after a tournament is over." Daisy suggested."


We pan over, scrolling through the city, until we hit the Jewelry store

And in front of it were

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