Godzilla vs Koopzilla Part 4

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Zelda and Palutena were comforting a saddened Peach, while Bowser and Samus argued

"Samus, now's not the time to argue, Peach is in grief, Mushroom Kingdom is being destroyed!"

"Well, it's because of that Godzilla creature, and thanks to that no good of a Professor! Her Kingdom is toast!"

And that shook Peach out of her grief, and ran up to Samus and glared at her

"S-Samus! I don't care about w-what you say about me, but never insult my friends like that!" Peach said as she poked at the Space Bounty Hunter's chest.

Samus snarled,

"Well guess what, it's true you no good B*%#! None of this would have happened, if you weren't such a-GASP!


Samus was cut off, when a claw held her by the throat, and she was lifted up into the air

It was Bowser, he can take the insults, but when someone insults Peach, pray for your life

"Listen here you Space A#^|*|£! You may have a distaste for monsters, such as me, but never, EVER! Insult the Princess like that, Understand!" Bowser snarled

Samus couldn't say anything, but Bowser wasn't done

"And the next time you want to do your petty rant, you answer to ME!"


Bowser roared at Samus' face,

The Space Bounty Hunter was scared by his roar

The Smashers were shocked, none of them knew what to do.

Luckily, Stryker came to the rescue

"Guys, the movie will play in 10 seconds, so take your seats please."

Bowser grunted, and lets go of Samus, letting her fall to the ground



Samus caught her breath, Zelda and Palutena helped her up, though, they were still mad at her outburst, but they took her to her seat.

The Smashers took their seats as well

Bowser and Peach went back with the Mario Group

Bowser waited for the screen, until he felt a hand on his claw

The Koopa King looked, and saw Peach smiling at him, mouthing

"Thank you."

Bowser nodded, and mouthed back

"You're welcome."

And with that, the Movie played


The scene shows Mario and Luigi soaring through the city with Tanooki power-ups

Luigi:(doubtful) I hope this crazy plan of yours works!

Mario:(annoyed) Of course it'll work! All we gotta do is find Godzilla!

Then, they heard Godzilla's roar

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