how you/they said ily first

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John Bender
You said it
John was really stressed about his family life
He was ranting to you about it all
He was really sad and angry
You went to comfort him
You were saying all sorts of nice things to him about how he'll manage to stay strong and you kinda just told him
"Baby, stay strong, I know you can. I love you."

Claire Standish
She said it
You were in her room with her
You guys weren't dating
You were joking around and doing a fashion show with her
She kinda just said it very casually
"Y/n, you're so funny, I love you."

Allison Reynolds
You said it
You were sitting in the hallway at school
You were watching her draw
You complimented her drawings
"If you practice you'll be better than me someday y/n." She told you
"Allison, you're a fantastic artist. I love you, I really do."

Andrew Clark
He said it
You guys were at a party
He took you to the back of the house where the party was happening
You guys were making out
He casually slipped it in there in between kissing
"Damn I love you."

Brian Johnson
He said it
He was at your house
He was helping you study
You guys got off topic and started talking about your relationship
He told you how happy you made him and then explained that he loved you
"Y/n, you, you make me so h-happy. I could never leave you, I love you."

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