Summer Loving

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When I met you in the summer...
To my heartbeat sound
We fell in love...
As the leaves turned brown

The music drifts through the warm summer air, coming from a stereo that sits on the back porch of the Witwicky household. A few feet away is a bucket of soapy water, a trail of bubbles leading to a pair of tanned legs that stand in front of a large blue truck with red flames.

Dressed in a red bathing suit top and jean shorts, Emilia is taking advantage of the hot weather. Her skin is more tanned and her hair is pulled back in a loose ponytail. In her hand is a large yellow sponge, and she drags it across the side of the humming truck. The metal is almost as hot as the air.

The girl steps up on one of his front tires, leaning forward in order to reach the hood. She climbs a bit more, managing to sit on it so she could reach across it, and even slowly stand to get on the very top of his hood.

"Be careful, Emilia," comes Optimus's gentle voice. For such a large being, he keeps his tone soft. "You e gotten it all wet."

"I'll be fine," she reassured him. "Unfortunately, I'm extremely short, so there's no way I'm going to be able to reach the top of you."

"Let me try." Before Emilia has a chance to respond, the hood shifts before lifting her up. The blonde lets out a round of laughter, leaning forward to scrub the top of the truck.

"You're my favorite, Optimus," she hums happily. "I can't believe you sometimes."

"I can put you down."

"Who said anything about that?" She raises a brow. Once she was finished, the hood lowered back down and she slid off the front, reaching for the hose. "This part is going to be a little cold, okay?"

"I could use a cool down," Optimus says with a bit of a teasing tone, to which Emilia smirks a bit.

"I'm sure you could." She turns the hose on, spraying him down to get all the bubbles off. Doing so, she hears her brother arguing with her dad before walking into the backyard.

"Oh, fun, you're giving them baths now?" Sam asks as he crosses his arms. "Very cute, and domestic. You're acting like a girlfriend."

"So?" She raises an eyebrow. "He's not my-"

"Not your boyfriend, I know, okay? Heard it. But you're a half naked wet mess in front of a guy! You can't just do that!"

"He's not just a guy, Sam, he's-" she cut off once again, hearing the radio go off in Optimus.

"Autobots, we've caught track of a Decepticon heading out, we need you to come take care of it." It was Major Lennox. "And don't bring Emilia, this is going to be straight fighting."

"What?" The blonde frowns. "Optimus, you can't just leave. You've been here for an hour!"

"I know," the truck engine roars louder as he gears up to head out. He watches as Emilia puts her hands in the front of his hood, the hose forgotten on the grass.

"I'm going to college today," she reminds him. "I'm heading out in maybe two hours. Can you either skip it or make it quick? I want you to be there when we drive in."

"I won't make it back in time, my little spark." The nickname hangs in the air, and Sam glances between them with furrowed brows. "You can get settled in, I'll see you when I'm not busy."

"Classes doesn't start until two days, Optimus. Let me come with you. Please," she whines out the last part, her eyes on the windshield of the truck. Finally, the passenger side door pops open and she grins.

"Yes!" She cheers, looking over at Sam. "My stuff is already all packed in moms car, just bring it in for me, okay?"

"What? No, I'm not covering for you so you can run off with your boyfriend!" He exclaimed, watching her get up and into the truck.

"Yes you are," she nods in response, grinning as she shuts the door. She reaches over, honking the horn as Optimus pulls out of their backyard and into the street before taking off down the road.

Emilia shifts in her seat, crawling into the back cab where she has a small box of spare clothes. She rummages through them, her hand brushing against a small glass vial with a piece of the Allspark in it. She tenses slightly, her eyes locked on it. Everything that happened... she just tried to move past it all.

She quickly grabs a pair of dry shorts and a white flowered top with spaghetti straps. She knew well that she wouldn't be on the battlefield, so she was prepping for the weather.

"Don't look," she tells Optimus, her hands moving to unbutton her bottoms.

"I'm focusing on the road, don't worry about me."

A small smile rugs at Emilia's lips, before taking her shorts off and pulling in the dry ones. Then, for lack of a better option, she puts her top on over her bathing suit top.

Once finished, the blonde crawls back up to the front, sitting down and taking her hair out of its ponytail. "I'm excited," she hums.

"I'm sure you are," Optimus chuckles slightly, taking a sharp left turn. When he does, the passenger seatbelt shoots out and buckles Emilia in. "You'll be staying with Major Lennox while I'm on the ground, understand?"

"On the ground?" She raises an eyebrow. "Where will I be?"

"On there." His lights flash, motioning for the girl to look forward. In front of them was a large ship, landed right in the middle of a field. It's hangar door is open, to which Optimus drives straight into it. He parks so the nose of his truck is just touching the end of the hangar, and the door closes behind them.

Emilia glances out the window, seeing Lennox next to them. At the motion, the Major looks up.

"Prime," he muttered. "You bastard."

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