The Party

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"First frat party's the game changer, boys," Leo grins as they walk up the steps into the frat house. "And, uh, girl," he motions to Emilia. "You look great tonight, by the way."

The blonde had her hair down in curls, and wore a strapless red dress that hugged her sides, going just above her knee with a slit up the right going to her upper thigh. She remembered that Optimus likes the colors blue and red.

"Thanks," Emilia nods a bit. "You look... casual."

"I'm here to drink, baby. I can't vomit on all my good clothes, I'm saving those for you." He winks, to which she nods and rolls her eyes a bit.

"Guys, hey," Sam elbows Leo. "Don't flirt with my sister, okay? It's gross. It's not cool, you don't do that here."

"What, does she have a boyfriend?"

"She doesn't need one, dipshit, I said no."

Emilia lets out a small giggle, moving past the guys to enter the building. "I'm going to try and find something to drink that's not filled with alcohol," she tells them. "Wish me luck, god knows I won't be able to find one." Then she turned and entered the party.

The music was loud, and guys were playing beer pong while girls stood at the bar or danced with their friends. There were lights coming from somewhere, in hues of neon blue and green. Emilia begins walking through, taking a look at all the people. They had beer bottles, but she knew she Ah shouldn't - well, couldn't - drink at the age of 19.

She hears someone laughing, glancing over to see Leo dancing like an idiot in the middle of the floor. Girls were around him, but they were avoiding him. The blonde lets out a small sigh, moving over to the bar.

"Do you have anything without alcohol?" She asked.

"Uh... we have bottles of water, I guess."

"Can I have one please?"

The man nods, reaching over before handing it to her. She then backs away, her eyes landing in the table of food. If Optimus were here she wouldn't be so bored.

Upon making it to the table of food, she was approached by a tall man. He had tan skin and sandy blond hair, and his shoulders were broad. Definitely one of the jocks, she decided.

"What're you doing?" He asks, as if they already knew each other. Emilia simply glances at him, before shaking her head.

"Just looking for a napkin, I found it," she held one up, wrapping it around her water bottle and taking a drink.

"It's Emilia, right?"

"Mhm," she nods. "Why?"

"Well, Emilia," he steps in closer to her, taking her water out of her hand and setting it on the table. "The name's Alex, and I want to dance."

"I'm... I'm sorry," she shakes her head. God, has it really been this long since she's had a human guy interested in her? Not that Optimus was, but... you know. "I'm in... well I have," she pauses. "A boyfriend." The easiest lie in the book.

"Oh relax," he reaches to tuck a hair behind her ear. "I just want to have some fun."

"Well, there's plenty of girls that-" She's cut off, the tall man grabbing her shoulders and spinning them around so her back was pressed against the wall. He leans in close, his lips brushing against her skin.

"Why don't we pretend that tonight," he hand runs down her side. "That you're my girlfriend and I'm your boyfriend?"

Emilia takes in a breath, before swallowing hard. She puts a hand on the man's chest, knowing she could easily kick him away, but didn't want to cause a scene. Not at her first party. So instead, she pushed him away, using all her strength. "Get off me," she muttered.

Suddenly, sirens started to go off, and everyone looked at each other. "Who the hell drove the yellow Camaro?"

Emilia's eyes widen, and she quickly runs for the exit, unsure of where Sam was. She moves to the drivers side, leaning down to the window. "What's going on?" She asked.

"Houston we have a problem," the radio says.

"Hey! Freshman!" Comes a yell from one of the guys. When Emilia turns around, his words start to fumble. "Oh, wait, that's yours?"

"Yeah, Sorry," she nods, taking in the more innocent persona. "I think I pressed a button in my keys, I'll move it." Turning, the blonde opens the door and quickly gets in the drivers side. "Okay Bee, lets go. Sam's inside, I can-"

"I love Camaros," comes a voice, and Emilia sees the guy from before, Alex, she remembered.

"Uh, no, I have to-"

"I can show you some tricks," he opens the door, and Emilia's grip on the wheel tightens. She watches him get in, and she tries to hide her frustration. She backs the car out of the bushes, before heading off down the street. She had a feeling they were going to see the other Autobots, so somehow, they had to dump him.

"My first car was my dad's 92 Z28," Alex says.

"I don't know the first thing about cars so I don't even know what that looks like," she shakes her head. "I prefer trucks."

"It was fuel-injected, babe," his hand reaches over, resting on her thigh. "The roar of the engine would tickle you."

Emilia can feel her fingernails dig into the leather of the steering wheel, though she stays silent. She can feel his hand moving for her inner thigh, and she opens her mouth to say something. Before she can get it out, his seat moved forward and bashed his head against the dashboard.

Alex's hands move to grab his nose, and Emilia snorts out a laugh. Bee always had her back.

"The hell is wrong with your car?" He asked, and the blonde shrugs.

"It's new, haven't worked out all the kinks." She feels the steering wheel try to move on its own, to which she lets it. Bee turns their car sharply, so it left marks on the street. Then, he opened his door and let Alex fall out of it. The blonde grins, reaching over to close the door. "Still working on it!" She calls to him out the window, before grinning as Bee sped off.

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