The Return of Optimus Prime

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Optimus's metal body pulses with energy, jerking upwards as Emilia looks at him from her spot on his chest. His eyes opened, lighting up blue as he coughs out dirt that had found its way into his mouth. One of his hands come up, encasing the girl to keep her still as he pushes himself to his knees.

"Emilia," he says as he opens his hand, looking down at the girl. "You returned for me."

"Of course I did," she responds, feeling relief flutter through her as tears pricked her eyes. "I could never leave you," she shakes her head, feeling the Prime move to stand. There was a loud thud, and a pulse of energy that knocked Optimus back to the ground, Emilia falling from his hand and into the sand.

A Decepticon, one recognized as the Fallen, stood over Optimus. "My Matrix!" He growls, stepping on Optimus to keep him down, before disappearing just as quickly as he had arrived.

"Optimus!" Emilia calls from where she is on the ground, watching as he struggles to push himself up. He didn't have enough energy. "Please, get up!" She cried.

"Oh no," Jetfire says from the side, shaking his head.

"He's turning on the machine, Optimus, please! We need you! I need you!"

"All my Decepticon life," the old Autobot walks forward a bit. "I never did a thing worth doing until now. Optimus, take my parts and you will have power you've never known." Jetfire have his hand into his own chest, holding a blue orb. His spark. "Fulfill... your destiny..." he collapses, and Emilia looks between him and Optimus.

"Jolt!" Ratchet shouts, a smaller Autobot moving over. "Electrify! Transplant those afterburners!"

Wires connect from the orb and to Optimus, and Emilia watches as Optimus slowly crawls forward, her heart aching to see him struggle this much. But soon, parts from Jetfire began to shoot towards the Prime, connecting to him and making him larger. He had jet wings and a giant gun, and he was able to push himself to stand. Jolt disconnected the wires, and their leader was better than new.

"Optimus!" The blonde calls for him from her spot on the ground. He turns, looking down at her. "You need to come back to me, do you understand?" She receives a nod, but she shakes her head. "Answer me! Do not go and die on me!"

"I will never leave you again, my little spark," he tells her. "I will return." Optimus holds her gaze, watching a tear fall from her eye. He'll kill the Decepticons for what they did to her. Every last one of them. "Roll out!" He calls to the Autobots, before shooting into the sky.

Emilia watches him leave, following his movement with her eyes. He heads straight for the pyramid, and before any of the Decepticons realize he's there, he's blown up the machine.

"You did it," Major Lennox says, patting the girl on the back gently. "He's alive because of you. You fought through it."

"What do we do now?" She asked quietly.

"We wait. This is his battle. And he's going to win."

"How can you be so sure? We just got him back after losing him, I don't know if I can go through that again."

"You won't," he shakes his head. "He's fighting for you. That's enough to keep him going."

Emilia looks up at the Major, thinking of something to say. Before she can, she hears Sam. He's calling her name and when she turns around, she sees him running at her.

He wraps her in his arms tightly, nearly knocking the girl over. His breathing is heavy and it sounds like his heart is ready to pound out of his chest. "I said come back to me," he told her. "Not go and die."

"I'm not dead," she shakes her head, hugging her brother back. "The Primes... they talked to me. They're the reason I'm here."

"What'd they say?" He asks as he pulls away to look at her.

"They said that... Optimus is my destiny," she looks over at the fighting going on. It's too far to get a good view on anything, but she can see him fighting the Fallen. Megatron and Starscream shoot through the sky, retreating from the battlefield. "I think that they might be right."

"Your destiny?" Sam asks as he knits his eyebrows together a bit. "You mean... saving him? Or fighting with him?"

"No, Sam, listen to me," the girl takes ahold of his hands. "I believe that Optimus Prime is my destiny. His path, his life, our life, we're meant to be together. Maybe not... not romantically, I don't know. But I know I need to be with him."

"So are you... are you not coming back home? Back to college? Any of it?"

"I'll talk to mom and dad," Emilia nods as she looks over Sam's shoulder, seeing her parents by Bumblebee. "But I think I might just stay with them, the Autobots. I have so many things I want to do in my life, and college isn't one of them right for the long run. Maybe I'll do online," she shrugs a bit before letting out a small laugh.

"You really do love him, don't you?" Sam asks, receiving a nod. "Well... you can't become a stranger, okay? I need to hear from you, make sure that you're alive. And I don't care what holidays you do and don't come back for, just make sure you're here for birthdays. That's it. Okay?"

"You're beginning to sound like mom," Emilia teases as she ruffles his hair. She glances over, seeing Optimus slowly walking towards them. He unhooks the jet wings from his back, letting them fall into the sand. "I have to go, I'll be back."

Sam lets her go, watching as his sister moved over to Optimus. He looked bigger than before, with all his new additions helping him be strong enough to take down the Fallen.

The Prime kneels down, extending his hand so she can step on, and once she's stable, he lifts her up. He brings her up so she's right in front of his face, watching her as she stands up straight.

"You're okay," she says quietly.

"I'm okay," he nods. "I told you, I won't ever leave you again."

Emilia feels her heart ache for him, and her hand moves to rest on the metal plate of his cheek, and she leans into him.

She presses a kiss to his cheek, holding it for a moment as she closes her eyes. She wanted to tell him so badly how she felt, but she was scared. He was the leader of the Autobots and she... was a human.

"Emilia," Optimus says, causing her to open her eyes and look up at him. "I love you."

Emilia feels fireworks go off in her head and in her heart, her face breaking into a smile as a blush reaches her cheeks. "I love you too."

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