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"Staying?" Lennox asks as he walks next to Emilia through the hangar where the Autobots stay.

"Yes," she nods. "It's been nearly a week and I haven't gone back to college or home. Have you not put the pieces together yet?"

"I thought you had to regroup yourself. You feel safe here, with Optimus. I just figured you needed time."

"I'm here to stay, Major," she hums with a grin. "My arm is all patched up and pretty, I did my hair and I'm wearing a blue dress, so where in the world is Optimus?"

"Hey," Lennox reaches out, grabbing her good arm and turning her to face him. "Where are you sleeping? You don't have a bed."

"I sleep in Optimus's truck, where else?"

"You can't stay like that forever."

"He has his own private room-garage thing. I'll talk to him and see if I can't set something up. I'm here to stay, and you can't get rid of me. So get used to seeing me around."

"I'm used to it," he nods with a smile. "And I prefer it, really. I'm able to keep a closer eye on you and make sure that you're not getting in trouble or hurt."

"Exactly!" She says happily, leaning up and kissing his cheek. "But I have to go find my... boyfriend? Is that what this is?"

"Well, considering you went around whispering that he told you he loved you the day it happened and you say it every time you see him, I'd say yes."

"I do not!"

"You do," he nods.

"Do not."

"You do, small one," Ironhide says as he enters the hangar, walking by the two. "Every time you see him, you say it at least twice. He's not complaining, believe me, I've seen him when he's angry or annoyed. He likes it. But we all notice your little puppy love."

"Well... okay maybe," she feels her cheeks flush. "Just... where is he? I've been looking for him everywhere and I feel like he's been avoiding me all week. I mean, I brought him back and now I see him during meals? He doesn't even eat!"

"Come here," Ironhide motions her to follow, to which she parts from Lennox and goes after him quickly. They exit the hangar, the sun hitting them and making Emilia cover her eyes.

She squints a little, seeing Optimus's truck parked next to where Ratchet stood. In front of the truck stood a man with dark hair. He was tall, and wore a nice suit. He had broad shoulders, and flowers sat in his hands. Emilia tilts her head, a little confused.

"I'm sorry I've stolen your boyfriend from you," Ratchet chuckles. "I figured it'd be easier if you two were... more similar. It took a lot of work but..." he motions to the man.

"Emilia," the man says, and the blonde gasps.

"That's... you're..." It was Optimus's voice. "How... Am I... crazy?"

"No, my little spark," the man smiles. "I'm here. This is what we've been working on. That's why I've been gone, I'm sorry."

Emilia shakes her head, a smile breaking across her face as she practically runs for him. She wraps her arms around his neck, and his go firmly around her waist. She's lifted off the ground, twirled around as she lets out a round of laughter. She can smell the flowers still in his hands when he puts her down.

Optimus presses his forehead to hers, their lips brushed against each other. He's waiting for permission. The moment the smaller girl realizes, she pushes herself to her tippie toes and kisses him.

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