First Class

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"Couldn't leave me for a day, huh?" Emilia smiles as she looks up at Optimus, who's transformed into his robot rather than his truck. "I knew you missed me."

"I wish I was here to talk lightly," he admits. "But the last fragment of the Allspark was stolen."

"Stolen? By the Decepticons?"

"We placed it under human protection, at your governments request. But I'm here for your help, Emilia. Because your leaders believe we brought vengeance upon your planet. Perhaps they are right. That is why they must be reminded by another human of the trust we share."

"Oh, yes, of course," the girl nods as she takes a step in closer. "I can skip class tomorrow, I'll fly into the Pentagon with Major Lennox and-"

"Oh, my little spark," he kneels down to get a better view of her. "I will not force you to miss out on your life. I told you, you need this. I simply wanted your consent so we can set up a video meeting with Galloway."

Emilia looks up at him, her hand moving to rest on the metal plate that took place as his cheek. "If I wasn't in college, I'd come. You know that, don't you?"

"I do," he nods. "But fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing."

"I know, I know." The blonde lets out a sigh, leaning her forehead against his. "If there's anything more I can do for you... please tell me."

"You have done everything that you can. Please, stay alive."

"I will. As long as you do the same."

"I swear it."


Emilia stands in the bathroom, in front of the mirror. Her eyes on the piece of the Allspark in her hand, still sitting in the vial. They still had a piece that the Decepticons didn't know about. Slowly, she unscrews the top and dumps it into her hand.

With the shard sitting between her forefinger and her thumb, she raises it to eye level. She squints slightly, before it seems to flash a bright light, making her wince and drop it into the sink. Quickly, she fishes around for it and puts it back in the vial, ignoring the new burns that formed on her fingers.

"Emilia!" Comes Sam's voice as he knocks on the door. "Come on, are you done yet? Class is in like five minutes, we're gonna be late!"

Stuffing the vial into her small purse, Emilia turns and opens the door, looking up at her brother. "I'm ready," she gives a smile. "How do I look?" She wore a pair of black leggings and a grey top that had spaghetti straps and let a line of stomach show at the bottom. Over that, she wore a fitting white and purple flannel.

"You look like you're still in highschool trying to impress a senior boy," Sam puts an arm around her and pulls her out of the bathroom. "Do you have plans with someone today?"

"Hardly," she rolls her eyes. "What are you expecting from me? It's the first day of class!"

"Are you seeing Optimus tonight?" Sam asks as he pulls his sister in closer. "Are you guys like a thing? I know Bumblebee pulled you from that party last night, did you go see him?"

"So what if I did?" She raises an eyebrow. "It's not a crime, I work with him."

"Oh, sure, work," he nods before turning the corner and pulling his sister towards the classroom. The building was right across from the dorm rooms, so it didn't take long for them to make it to the lecture hall and find a seat.

Emilia sat between Leo and Sam, resting her chin on the palm of her hand. Their professor was young, and flirting with the girls sitting at the front of the class. She closed her eyes, letting out a small sigh.

"Didn't get enough sleep last night?" Sam raises an eyebrow, to which she elbows him in the rib.

"I saw Alex get in your car," Leo pipes in with a small smile. "Did anything happen?"

"I tried to break his nose, and I'll do the same to you if you don't shut up about my personal life," Emilia snaps at him, but Sam just smiles.

"She has a boyfriend," he teases. "And she's annoyed that someone her age is into her."

"Oh, she goes for older guys, huh?" Leo teases, to which Emilia rolls her eyes. "Well, I'm not here to judge. I'd totally go for a hotter older woman too."

The blonde shakes her head, putting her forehead to the palms of her hands. Her head was throbbing, but she knew she didn't drink anything last night. Images flashed through her head quickly, and the professor talking suddenly seemed to annoy her.

"I have to get out of here," she whispers to her brother, who frowns.

"What do you mean? We still have over half an hour left, you can't just-" he watches her stand to her feet, stepping over him and making her way into the isle.

"Oh, Miss?" The Professor raises an eyebrow. "There's no leaving until I've reached the climax of my lecture."

"I'm sorry, Professor, I..." Emilia shakes her head, a hand coming to her head. "I think I'm going to be sick or... or something."

"Do you need the nurse? Is there anything I can do?" He watches her walk down to the front of the class, towards the door. She shakes her head, stumbling slightly to which Sam stood up from his seat.


"No, don't," she shakes her head. "Take notes for me. I gotta go lie down or something, okay? Call Lennox, I gave you his number didn't I?"

"Yeah, but what am I supposed to say? That you have a headache?"

"Figure it out!" She snapped at him quickly, glancing around the room before leaving the classroom entirely.

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