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The car crashes nose first on the ground, going straight through the ceiling. The airbags go off, Emilia hitting her head before the whole car flips forward onto its hood. Though the three barely have any time to catch a breath, a large metal saw cutting the car down the middle and opening it up. Above them stands Starscream.

Emilia scrambles to her feet, trying to catch her breath from the fall. Her blue eyes move up to see Starscream and she nearly falls over.

"Oh, look at you, small one," the Decepticon above her growls lowly, crawling forward towards her to get a better look. "She's the one."

"Come here, girl," comes a rougher voice, and the blonde glances over to see Megatron. She feels her stomach knot up, slowly moving over to the large robot. Sam and Leo cower behind her, and she begins to curse them in her head. "Closer."

"I'm coming," she nods a little, starting down the stairs. "Are you... going to hurt me?"

"Not now, little one. Not if you cooperate, I won't. Now, why don't you tell me what you saw with that little piece of the Cube?"

"Flashes," she says quietly. "Nothing... nothing I could understand. I saw flashes of something that looked like a Decepticon, and a desert and... and symbols. I see symbols everywhere and I don't know what it means."

"There you go," he smiles, leaning down to get closer to her. "There's no need to fight. Show me these symbols."

"Um... how do I..." she stops, seeing him reaching for her. Megatron takes her forearm between his fingers, and she attempts to pull away, but he shakes his head.

"You'll draw them," he says, his fingers digging into her skin. "I can feel you shaking under my grip. Don't be so scared, I won't kill you."

Emilia feels the warm, thick liquid drip down her arm, the metal cutting her skin like butter. She feels like her arm is just going to shatter, but he pulls away, allowed even more blood to pour from her arm.

"Draw," he motions to the cement wall. "Now."

The blonde turns around, trying to blink away the tears that formed in her eyes from the pain. Her finger from her left hand moves to her right arm, taking a bit of her blood and starting to draw the symbols. Her hand is shaking badly, and she tries to keep herself calm.

"Good girl," Megatron hums, though he stops when a loud crash sounded behind them. Emilia turns, seeing Optimus land on his feet as Bumblebee smashes through the wall to their left. She lets out a breath of relief, eyes on the Autobot leader.

Guns begin firing, and loud explosions go off all around the small girl, who does her best to get away from it all. She sees Optimus going for Megatron, though she can't seem to find her brother or Leo.

Emilia watches as Megatron is shot out a large window, Optimus going right after him.

"Emilia!" He yells for her, to which the girl hops through the giant hole, seeing that he had transformed into his semi-truck form.

She moves to his passenger side, shutting the door just in time for him to drive off and away from the warehouse.

Emilia leans back in her seat, letting out a small breath before trying to calm herself down. She holds onto the seat beneath her, her injured arm hovering above her lap.

"You're bleeding," Optimus says, to which she nods.

"He um... he cut me. I told you, the symbols in my head... he wanted them and I had to draw them out a-and... he told me to use my blood."

"I am so sorry," the Autobot says honestly. "I never intended for this to happen to you. I don't want you involved with Megatron or the Decepticons in general. I don't want you hurt."

"You didn't know," she tips her head back. "If you keep saying sorry, I'm going to cry. And I don't want to cry right now."

"Alright. I'll get you to safety, I promise. We'll get you fixed up and properly protected."

Emilia nods a little, looking out the window as Optimus drives through a field. He's trying to stay off the main roads, as to not attract attention. But Megatron found them. "He's here!" She exclaimed, watching him launch himself through the trees at them.

"Be careful!" Optimus says quickly before transforming, causing Emilia to fall into the grass. She quickly scrambles to her feet, trying to get as far from the robots as she could. "Hide, Emilia!"

The crashes grow louder as Optimus punches Megatron before he's tacked to the ground. The blonde girl runs for a small line of thin trees, attempting to hide behind it as she watches the fight.

"Weak!" Megatron shouts, though is hit with a tree that Optimus sends his way. The Autobot turns his arm into a sword, slashing at Megatron. He grabs the Decepticon by the chest plate and throws him to the ground. There was no way he could win alone. "Decepticons!"

From the sky, Emilia watches as both Blackout and Starscream transform, guns out and ready. But instead of going for Optimus, Starscream turns.

"Come here, girl," he hums, like he can spot her no matter where she hides. The girl turns, running away from the Decepticon. She tries to dodge the fighting of Optimus and Megatron, but she can't seem to get away fast enough.

Behind her, somehow, Optimus manages to fend off both Decepticons. Kicking Starscream in the face and stomping on one of Megatron's legs, he kept them off of the young girl.

"There is another source of Energon hidden in this planet," Megatron says, as if trying to reason with Optimus. "The girl can lead us to it!"

Emilia looks over, seeing the Autobot trapped between the other three. They seem to pick at him one by one, firing bullets and hitting him with their weapons. Megatron got in a solid, hard kick to his face, to which he seemed to be faltering.

"Optimus!" She screams for him, watching as he gets shot in the chest, sending him flying. He's only a few yards away now, she could run to him if she wanted.

"Is the future of our race not worth a single human life?" Megatron asks, prowling forward.

"Optimus," Emilia begs quietly. "Come on, please, you have to get up. Get up!"

"You'll never stop at one!" Optimus shouts, both his hands turn to swords, a plate of metal covering his mouth. "I'll take you all on!" He then turns, using his swords to easily disarm Starscream, ripping through the metal as sparks go flying. He then turns, cutting off a chunk of Blackout's wings and finally focusing in Megatron, who seems to be kicked aside easily. But Blackout was a big, and slow guy. Optimus knew that. He had to knock them off one by one in order to win. So, that's where he put his attention.

His sword drives itself into the chest of Blackout, using it as leverage in order to pull himself up to his shoulders. Once there, Optimus grabbed the sides of his head and ripped it in half. Emilia smiles as she watches, doing her best not to cheer out for him. He was going to win.

Optimus jumps down from the Decepticon, looking around him. "Emilia?" He calls out. "Where are you?" Within seconds of him saying his last words, a sword gets stabbed through his chest.

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