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"I guess this is goodbye," Emilia lets out a sigh, slumping down slightly in the passenger seat of the semi-truck. She can feel it vibrate with Optimus's chuckle.

"Not forever," he reassures her. "I will visit you often, my little spark, I promise. You have my radio number if you wish to call me. I'll always answer."

"Promise?" She smiles a little.

"I promise."

At that, the blonde leans over to kiss the steering wheel as she did before, before opening her door. "I'll call you," she says before shutting the door and heading into the college. Now, she was excited.

Looking down at the card in her hand, reading the number 312. Their dorm is a coed dorm, so walk by both girls and guys wasn't supposed to be as alarming as it was. She was an adult now. Surrounded by... adults.

Using her key, she opens the door to her room and is met with a man with dark hair and a hat on backwards. The two pause, staring at each other for a moment. Emilia looks at the number on the door, then down at her card. "This is my room," she tells him.

"What?" He asks. "Wait, no, okay," he clears his throat before smiling. "It is your lucky day my friend because I happen to be great with roommates."

"You're a guy."

"And you're a girl, your point? I think opposites attract is sort of a real thing, yknow? Guys are meant to be friends with girls! Vice verse and everything!"

"Just... where's Sam?"

"Sam? Oh, I... I think he died, actually."

The blonde shoots him a glare, though it quickly disappears when she hears Sam behind her.

"Emilia?" He asks, to which she turns and flashes a smile.

"Told you I would make it, right? Before classes an everything."

"Okay, yeah, that's great, you got to miss mom getting high from a bunch of brownies she bought. What the hell are you doing here?"

"This is my room, stupid," she his him in the forehead with her card. "312. Don't ask why they put me with a bunch of guys, I don't know."

"Look," comes the voice from inside the dorm. "Maybe I should've introduced myself better. Hi, I'm Leo. Uh... my friend Sharksky might've hacked into the system and bugged it out a bit."

"Bugged it out? You're kidding," the girl groans, her hands in her hair. "Sam, where are my things?"

"On my bed, I couldn't find your room."

"Cause it's here, apparently." Emilia enters, looking around the room. It was a mess and pictures of half naked women were on the walls. "This... is not going to work. Sorry."

"What? What's wrong?" Leo asks. "Oh, I left you with the single bed, of course. Here, you can take mine. It's a double, the only one," he motions to it, and the blonde smiles a little.

"You're sweet," she nods, watching the young man rush to take everything off of it, as she moves to grab her things. "Well," she sighs. "Class starts tomorrow?"

"Day after," Leo corrects her. "Tomorrow is technically a professor-in-service day."

At that, the blonde groans. And to think, she could've been with Optimus.


"Everyone's going to this dumb party tonight," Emilia says as she takes a bite of her sandwich, her phone sitting between her ear and her shoulder. "And I'm stuck in a dorm with my brother and a bunch of smelly guys. I mean, Leo gave me he bed because it was bigger, so that wasn't awful. But everything stinks!"

She can hear the chuckle from the other side of the phone. Well, radio. "You always manage to end up in the oddest of situations," Optimus teases her.

"It's not like I ask to be here," she lets out a round of laughter. "You know I'd rather be with you! I can't even gain anything by going to this college, Optimus. I want to model, I told you that."

"Model," he repeats. "Why did your parents insist on you going to a college when it doesn't have what you want?"

"Welcome to America." Emilia takes a bite of her sandwich, glaring at it. "It has freaking onions on it. I asked for no onions. Who likes them on their Italian? It's gross!"

"Emilia," Optimus laughs. "Go to your party tonight, try to make some new friends, at least. You can't always lean on you brother for support."

"You're really cute if you think I do that anyway."

"Well you can't only befriend the Autobots. We care about you, you're family, you have been for the last two years. But you have to also be a normal human as well. We can't just take up your whole life. You and I both know that has negative consequences."

"I know," Emilia whines a bit, pausing as she hears talking on Optimus's end. "What was that?" She asked.

"I have to go, unfortunately. Go to the party."


"Do it, you'll have fun, I know you will. Goodbye, for now."

"Bye," she responds before hanging up. She lets out a groan, leaning her head back. She sat on one of the many patios around the college, allowing herself to soak in the sun. She can have fun, she knows how to party. Optimus would just have to find that out for himself. And he would, soon enough.

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