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"Okay," Simmons says as he holds his phone in his hand. How he has service, no one knew. "Here's what my CIA contact says: Ancient Sumerians used to call the Gulf of Aqaba the Dagger's Tip."

"So that's what we need," Emilia glances at him, as he sits in the passenger seat. Her brother and Leo sat in the back.

"It's part of the Red Sea. Divides Egypt and Jordan like the tip of a blade. 29.5 degrees North, 35 East. Here it is," he extends his phone to show her.

"First thing we've got to do is get Optimus to the Dagger's Tip."

"How are you gonna get him halfway around the world?" Leo asks.

"I'm gonna have to make a call. Bee, drive into that town over there," she points, feeling the Camaro turn and head that way. There are people walking around, eyeing them oddly as the four step out of the car.

"There's a payphone," Simmons points, to which the blonde hurried over.

"Sam, give me a quarter," she says, waiting as he digs in his pockets. "I have to call Lennox."

"You're on the Worldwide Wanted list, sweetheart," Simmons shakes his head. "Try calling one base, they'll track you here in seconds. CIA is all over this place!"

"I'm calling his personal phone," she takes the quarter and slips it into the phone. "Besides, I have to make this call. He knows me, and he'll trust me." Then she turns, pressing the numbers. She hears it ring, before eventually there's an answer.

"Major Lennox."

"Major," Emilia breathes, which catches his attention.

"Emilia? What the hell? Are you okay? Where are you? You, Bumblebee and the Twins just disappeared!"

"Listen, please, I need you to listen to me. We need you to bring the big guy, okay? Drop him off at 29.5 North, 35 East. Can you do that for me?"

"What? Why?"

"I think I can bring him back. Please, Lennox. I have to try this. It's our only chance."

"Okay, Okay," the Major agrees. "Is there anything else you need? Who's with you?"

"I have Sam, Agent Simmons, a friend Leo, the Twins and Bee. We're all here. Please come fast, and bring as many men as you can with a ton of bullets. This is going to be big, just like two years ago. Megatron is back."

"Hey, Hey," Sam elbows his sister. "We gotta move."

"Okay, I have to go. Please, come fast," she begs before hanging up.

"We gotta go!" Leo says as he runs to them. "Come on, go!"

"Bee!" Emilia calls, the car doors opening and allowing the four back in. "Come on, go," she insists, hearing the tires squeal as his drives out of town as fast as he can, heading down the run down roads.

"Lennox is on his way," the blonde tells everyone. "He's bringing Optimus, Okay? We're good. Lets go over the saying again. When dawn alights the Dagger's Tip, the Three Kings will reveal the doorway."

"That's what he said," Simmons nods. "Do you know what it means?"

"No, do you?"

"I have no idea."

"Guys!" Leo points in front of them. "There's a checkpoint! We don't have passports. I-I don't have mine!"

"Okay, Bee, slow down," Emilia says quietly as she holds onto the steering wheel, feeling the Camaro come to a stop at the gate.

"Passport!" They bear the customs officer demand as he heads for them. There was no way he was even five feet.

"Oh great, a freakin' munchkin," comes Wheelie's voice from the back. "Little people are mean. Tell him he's tall."

"Shut up," Emilia reaches back to hit him, but stops when the man comes to Simmons's window. He says something Egyptian, to which none of them understood.

"Ashu-fanah..." Simmons attempts. "The Dagger's... Tip? Right? Egypt, Jordan. We want to go there. Me and my family. This is my family, my daughter and my two sons. We're tourists, from New York."

"New York?" The short man asks.

"Yes, yes!"

"Oh, fifty kilometers!" The short man grins.

"You look like the guy that runs the falafel stand! Thank you very much."

Emilia presses the gas, starting to drive away, though can left off once Bumblebee gets the hint. She hears the short man continue to shout happily at them, and she shakes her head.

"Told you I got it," Simmons grins.


"You always kiss my steering wheel. Why is that?"

"When humans like each other, they kiss each other."

"And you like me?"

"Well, I thought that was fairly obvious."

"It is, Ironhide has brought it up to me a few times before. I would kiss you, if I could. Though I'm not sure it'd be as gentle."

"No, you're right. It's okay, you show it in other ways."


"Your engine purrs, Optimus. It's cute."

Emilia shifts, letting out a groan before pushing herself to sit up. Bumblebee's hood hums underneath her, keeping his engine on in order to warm her through the night. Granted, a fire is lit, keeping the other three boys warm. It's night time now, leaving the stars and the moon to give them light.

"Bad dream?" Bumblebee's radio turns on, and Emilia shakes her head.

"Not really. I just... I can't sleep."

"You miss him."

"More than anything, yeah. I didn't tell him how I felt and now he's gone."

"Why didn't you?"

"Because when girls say 'love' first, it always scares guys away. I was waiting to see if maybe he would say it but... he didn't. I thought he was so close to, a lot of times. Maybe he doesn't know, it's my fault. I never said anything."

"He know," Bee assures her. "And... he loves you. Who else could... keep up? You're under... the moon and the stars and... the three most beautiful pyramids on the planet. You're thinking of him in the craziest... times. Places."

"Wait..." her voice trailed off and she shifts to look at the Camaro under her. "Pyramid and stars."

"You thinking what I'm thinking?"

At that, the blonde nods and stands from his hood. "Guys! Wake up!"

"What?" Sam groans, he and the two others slowly waking.

"Listen, Astronomy class, page 47. Remember the class?"

"No," Leo shakes his head. "We were in college for like two days, remember?"

"Just get up," she insists.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Okay, you see those stars?" Emilia points to the sky. "You see how the last one touches the horizon? That's Orion's belt, but it's also call the Three Kings. And the reason for that is the Egyptian kings who built the Pyramids of Giza built them to mirror those stars, so it's like an arrow staring us straight in the face!"

"They all point due east," Simmons says as he stands. "Towards Jordan. The mountains of Petra."

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