Science Museum

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"You kept him?" Emilia asks as she watches Leo set a container in the table.

"I mean, yeah. I also got your purse, it's in the Camaro's trunk," he nods a little. "You're gonna want to be careful when you open it up, he's kinda angry. But there's like a chain around him so if you want, just grab that."

"Got it." She moves to the container, glancing at Simmons. "This guy tried to steal my purse. Cute, right?" She then pulls the top open, her hand reaching out and grabbing the chain wrapped around him.

"Hey! I'm gonna have so many Decepticons on your butt!" The little guy - Wheelie - exclaimed.

"Behave," Emilia scolds, hearing the older man muttering to himself. "Listen to me."

"Gotta get me outta these chains, first!" Wheelie shakes his head.

"Look, look, I'm sorry for kicking you, Okay? Listen, if you're a good boy-"


"-I'm not gonna kick you again, okay? And I'll take your chain off. Just look, look at these," she pushes the photos of the symbols over to him.

"Alright, alright. Uh... oh, oh I know that. That's the language of the Prime's." Emilia feels herself tense as he speaks. "I don't read it, but these guys..." he motions to photos of old cars and planes. "How the frick did you find photos of them?"

"So these... these are the guys you're talking about?" Emilia lifts a photo, and Wheelie nods.

"Yeah. Seekers, sweetheart. Oldest of the old. They've been here thousands of years, looking for something. I dunno what, no body tells me anything. But they'll translate these symbols for you. And I know where to find them."

"Show us," Simmons says, to which Wheelie turns, showing green dots where each would be on the map. "Closest one is Washington."


Emilia steps out of the drivers side of Bumblebee, looking at the large building in front of them.

"Smithsonian Air and Space Museum," Simmons says. "Land of dreams in there. All I ever wanted to be was an astronaut."

As he and Sam continue to talk, Emilia lets out a small sigh before shutting Bee's door. She leans against the car, pressing her forehead to the top.

"You okay?" The radio switches on.

"Yeah," she nods. "I'm... tired. And I don't want to be here. I don't want to be working, or moving, or doing any of this. But I'm doing it for him. For Optimus."

"He'd be... so proud of you."

"If only he was here to see it, Bee. I-I don't... I don't even have anything to remember him by. It's so cheesy but-"

"Go on," the radio changes stations, the glove box popping open as the window rolled down. "Grab that... little... box."

Knitting her eyebrows together slightly, the blonde reaches over and grabs the little black box inside of the glove compartment. Opening it, she sees a heart-shaped locket on a silver chain. Hesitantly, she opens it, and fills her eyes tear up again.

Inside is a photo. Emilia has a large grin on her face, and her eyes are closed, like she's in the middle of laughing. She's holding onto a railing, and on the other side is Optimus, standing in front of what seemed to be the catwalk at the bunker. He was smiling, too.

"Who... who did this?" She asked quietly, a hand moving to wipe her tears. "The picture and the necklace..."

"Lennox... got the picture," Bumblebee chirps. "Sam got the... necklace. I thought you'd like it."

Emilia takes the necklace out of the box, linking it around her neck and clipping it into place. "Thank you, Bee," she whispers and presses a gentle kiss to the hood of the car.

"Hey," calls Simmons. When the blonde looks over at her, he clears his throat a little. "Sorry, sweetheart, we gotta move. Leo and I distract the guards, you and Sam slip in, got it?"

"Yeah," she nods quickly. "Yeah, lets go."


"You know where you're going?" Sam asks, to which Emilia nods as she hurried through the large museum.

"I went in the school trip here Sophomore year, remember? You skipped and pretended to be sick. We have to go to the displays in the back, come on." Emilia quickens her pace, heading for the very back. Once there, she sees that Leo and Simmons are waiting on them.

"I got the tracker," Simmons says.

"Good," Emilia nods, setting down the container in her hand and letting Wheelie out. "Be good."

"I'm claustrophobic," he complains, before transforming into a toy truck. He drives in a circle for a minute, before shooting off to their left.

"Look, look," Emilia hits her brother's arm. "He's got something, come on, follow him."

The Twins run after the toy truck, and he seems to be picking up speed.

"You getting what I'm getting?" Simmons asks, receiving a nod in response. And soon enough, the four and the Decepticon close in on a large, old plane.

"Ooh, here he is," Wheelie says as he transforms. This guys a legend, like, like, the Chairman of the Board! You got the shard Princess?"

Emilia nods, reaching for the vial that she told her brother to hold. Unscrewing the top, she lifted it up and took a few steps closer. It shoots out of her hands, going straight for the plane. She takes the time to quickly run forward, looking for a form of symbol to tell them what side he's on.

"Decepticon!" She shouts, backing away just in time as the plane begins to transform, standing on its two feet and towering over everyone. A cane transformed with it, to which the robot leaned heavily on.

"Ah," it grunts. "What sort of hideous mausoleum is this? Answer me, pawns and knaves! Show yourself or suffer my infinite wrath! You little, spinal-cord-based organism!" He waves his can, though quickly set it back down, turning for the large back doors. "Oh, bugger it. Behold, the eternal glory of... Jetfire!" He hits one of the planes away. Prepare for remote systems override!"

"Oh," Wheelie shakes his head. "He did not age well."

"Well, I don't think he's going to hurt us," Emilia shakes her head, watching as Jetfire smashed through the back door, before stomping outside.

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