The Return

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"Major Lennox got a call from Sam," Optimus says through the phone, to which Emilia nods as she paces her bedroom. "He said that you had a breakdown in your first class. What is going on?"

"I-I don't know, okay? My head is pounding and I'm seeing all of these little symbols and-"


"Yes, symbols," she nods a little. "Don't think I'm crazy, please. I don't know what's going on, and I'm kinda freaking out a little bit. Like I said, if I didn't go to college then none of this would be happening."

"Emilia," Optimus uses a firmer voice than before. "You are safe. You are getting an education."

"I need you to come and get me," she shakes her head. "Please, Optimus. I'm begging you. I need you to come and get me and bring me back to the hangar so I can work with you and the Autobots again."


"Stop saying my name!" She insists. "Please come get me, I miss you."

There's a pause this time, before a sigh comes through the phone. "Alright," he finally says. "I'll head your way."

"Thank god," she lets out a breath of relief. "Thank you so much, I'm gonna pack my things and I'll be ready to come and help all you need. I can come back after, maybe. Or maybe not, that's okay too." She hears a knock at her door, to which she moves over.

"You know your parents won't be happy with this, right?" Optimus asks. "They told Major Lennox that  they wanted you to go and to graduate and to be a grown up."

"I'm a grown up, Optimus. I'm 19, so legally, I'm grown." Emilia opens the door, seeing Alex standing there. At that, she rolls her eyes. "Now is not a good time," she tells him.

"Just a few minutes," Alex lets himself into her room, reaching to close the door. "Or maybe longer."

"What's not good time?" Comes Optimus over the phone.

"Not to you, I have-" Emilia is cut off, being pushed against the wall to which her phone drops to the ground. She looks up, feeling breath on her lips. Alex is close to her now, pressing his chest against hers.

"Emilia," he says in something close to a purr. "I knew you were special."

"Really?" She rolls her eyes.

"And I know you know what happens when two people in the know get together. They're genuinely amazing... in bed."

"Alex," Emilia leans as far back away from him as she can, but there's a wall blocking her way.

"Alright, enough with this fanfare!" Come a higher voice. The blonde girl glances down, seeing what looks like a tiny blue robot climbing out from under her bed. "Where's the shard, lady?"

"What the hell?" Emilia demands, automatically struggling against Alex. His grip becomes tight and he slams her back against the wall. "Get... get off!"

"Don't think so sweetheart," the small one says as it starts to rummage through her things. "Come on, just give us the little sliver and we'll be on our way!"

"Megatron wants to meet the girl that killed him," Alex hums, his skin beginning to spread apart, metal taking its place. "He's back, 'sweetheart'. They're all back."

Emilia manages to bring her leg up, kicking Alex - well, the Decepticon - away from her. She ducks as his arm comes to grab her, before leaning over and grabbing her purse. She turns and flings the door open, hearing the Decepticon behind her transform back to its human form.

"Give it here, Lady!" Comes the annoying voice and a tug at her purse, to which she sees the small Decepticon holding on.

"Get off," she snaps, shaking her purse as she runs down the hall, going as fast as she can away from Alex. Once she makes it outside, she crashes right into Sam and Leo.

"Woah, baby, chill," Leo says with a smile, but it quickly fades. "What the hell is that?!" He points to the little Decepticon.

"Sam, they're back," she says, taking her purse and hitting it against the ground, making sure the robot got hit as well. "And we have to go. Now."

"Where? We don't have Bee, we don't have a car!"

"When has that stopped me, Sam? I work with Lennox! Come on!" Emilia pushes her brother back towards the parking lot, running to take the lead. She moves to the car closest to her, opening it before moving under the wheel to find the right wires.

"You can Hotwire a car?" Leo asks as he gets in the backseat. "That's so hot."

"You can't get away, sweetheart!" The small Decepticon says, running towards them.

"Do you want to die?" Emilia glances at him. "Because I'll kill you. I will." She reaches forward, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him into the car. "Put him in the glove box," she says to Sam, to which he does.

"You gotta go! He's coming!" Sam points out the window. Suddenly, the roar of the engine comes to life and Emilia backs up quickly, but not fast enough.

Now fully metal, Alex jumps on the hood of the car, pounding at the windshield in attempt to get in. Emilia swerves the car left and right, trying to get it off but it did nothing.

"Hold on!" The blonde shouts at them, before turning and smashing the front of the car into a standing stone statue. She backs up then, and runs him over, hearing a crunch from the metal. Letting out a sigh of relief, Emilia heads back into the road, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"Okay, so what else don't I know?" Leo asks. "Since you guys forgot to mention some tiny details!"

"I work for the government!" Emilia says quickly. "But if you go on that dumb blog and-"

"Oh my god!" Sam points at a helicopter headed their way.

"It's Blackout!" His sister responds as she does her best to get away, but she hears a crash behind her as a spike shoots through the top of the car, slowly lifting them off the ground.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" Leo screams, watching as another car crashes into their front, sending them spinning into the air. Emilia can see Sam's door fly open, to which she reaches over and grabs ahold of his arm.

"Hang onto me!" She yelled, feeling Blackout pick up speed. They're soaring over the lake, the twins holding onto each other tightly. Before they can even think, the spike detaches itself and they start to fall.

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