8 ; a bad idea with a cherry on top

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"I knew it." I heard a faint familiar voice, one that rung very timber as he spoke to the other person in the room holding my hand I'm guessing. "I knew you shouldn't have talked to Hoseok about the co-signing. I told you not to."

"Jungkook, I don't want to talk about it."

"But she's going to want to, hyung!" The closest to me, the one that ignored my overall situation had spoke on behalf of me. "You can not make decisions based on what you think qualify for success. This is Chaeyoung we're talking about. Not just some client."

The hand in mine tightened. "I made a mistake, okay? I didn't know she would be this tired."

"You knew she was tired." He retorted back and I can hear and feel him pacing on the floor beneath us. "Whether or not it was from working or love in general, you knew. But you did it anyway because you want to play matchmaker."

"Just say you want her and go, Jungkook."

"I want someone else." He answered. "But I want Chaeyoung to be in peace. Not live back in her resentment."

I forced myself to open my tired eyelids knowing the situation at hand was getting- well out of it. I squeezed on Seokjin's hand and saw the distress and worry written all over that vulnerable face of his. I smiled softly realizing I was at his shared home with the maknae rather than a hospital. I taught them better than to take a fainted individual to an emergency. And seeing as it had only been two hours, they did a good job while I was unconscious.

Jungkook sighed in relief upon seeing my liveliness and sat next to my hip. He rubbed at my blanket-draped leg and blinked once. "Happy birthday, Chae."

I sighed too. "Kook, don't look at me like that."

"Like you're struggling? Like I feel sorry for you?" He murmured like a scolded child. "I can't help that."

"Thank you." My paled lips pressed together firmly and I looked to Jin who seemed just as anxious as the other. "And you too, idiot. Stop looking at me like that."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be." I gulped down my pride and shut my heavy eyelids with gentleness. "He runs a good ass company. Holds to account many successful hospitals. He was a good decision on your part despite your true intentions."


"And I'll get over it." I chuckled lowly opening my eyes to meet his. I shook it off more than shaking my head to reassure him. "Seokjin. I'm fine. Finer than wine."

"You say that." His lip twitched in uncertainty. "But it looks to me like your as thick as gravy."

"He's engaged to my fucking sister." I choked out the pain of saying out loud after. "I'm not angry at you. I'm angry at myself."

"H-how about Jiwon?" Seokjin urged moving towards me with eagerness. I blinked at him shocked by his abruptness. "Haven't you been talking to him?"

"I'm going to be a bridesmaid." I smiled. "At his wedding. So yeah, just a bit."


"Don't." I groaned out shutting my eyes again feeling the tension of pain at my temples. I felt unable- numb to reach to rub at them. "Please don't feel sorry for me. It'll make it worse."

"You're 24." Seokjin brought my hands to his lips. "With a life full of problems meant for a 40 year old. I can't help but want to feel guilty."


"For not being able to make you happy."

"Jin." I sat up, the two in the room finding it unbearable to see me sit. But I felt no pain than the pain the irrupted in my heart, as cliché as it may sound. "Kim Seokjin. You are the epitome of my last bit of happiness. You too, Jungkook. I rely on you both. There's nothing I could ask for more."

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