3 ; a pervert in headlights

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your's truly,

"Halmeoni, give me five more minutes.."

I groaned and tossed on my bed as I heard a consistent knocking at my bedroom door. I threw my blanket over me completely as I heard the door swing open, the creaky hinges not helping the annoyance of being woken up.

"If I was your Halmeoni, I would be able to slap your ass and not get penalized for it."

My eyelids shot open upon hearing a low and obnoxious voice fill my ears. Do they deceive me? Do I hear a wild animal break into my bedroom or is it just a wild Hoseok coming to bring my nightmares to reality? Either or would be terrible.

I groaned again both externally and internally as he sat at my bedside waiting for me to uncover my hidden body.

"You wouldn't even get the chance, sweetheart." I mumbled tiredly hoping to my lasting will to live he'd be an apparition of my imagination.

"Come on, honey." He played along confirming that this in fact wasn't a nightmare and I groaned again both externally and internally as he sat at my bedside waiting for me to uncover my hidden body.

He urged tugging relentlessly at my blanket at my obvious resistance. "Let's see what you wear to sleep. Or do you not wear anything at all?"

"Go away, Jung. This is still my personal time." I seethed hoarsely.

"Your voice is heavenly in the morning by the way."

"Fuck off, Romeo." I peeked through my blanket and hid shyly when I saw he was looking directly at where my face was.

He chuckled at me before tugging again. "If you're so totally over me, you wouldn't care that I'd see you at your worst."

"My worst is when I'm drunk."

"See? Wouldn't care."

"Jung Hoseok, please get out of my house." I whine kicking at my blanket in pure frustration. "Why must you come and give me a wake up call even if I'm not working for you yet?"

"Because, my dear beauty, we must find what suits you best." He told me kindly, softening the grip on my blanket. "Your room is a wreck. And your wardrobe is probably just as disastrous."

"We aren't all blessed with privelage and prestige." I grumbled finally popping my head out of my blanket with my arms over my chest.

He raised an eyebrow at me, cocking his head at me. "I don't see why you're so shy. You're more beautiful than half the girls I wake up to in bed."

I rolled my tired eyes and curled my fingers over my swollen cheeks. "I'm not sure if that's a compliment or an insult."

"Kind of both." He teased back and I couldn't help but laugh at that, playfully throwing my pillow at him despite the suit and tie get up he had on.

He smiled, a bright smile I hadn't seen yet on him ever since we met. I've seen the smirk, the undeniably attractive lip curl and the frown. The genuine smile had finally appeared and I felt those weird butterflies in my stomach again. The queasy and uneasy feeling I have when I develop small crushes. As threatening as that may sound at the moment, it means nothing. I crush on almost anyone with legs and a set of lips; A fault of mine since my elementary days. Menial crushes that I grew to get over so quickly I'd forget they even existed.

I fall in love, a warning I gave to Hoseok loud and clear yet he finds it easy for him to meet me more than half way. It's more threatening that he'll continue being himself around me when I hated him being my boss. Get it?

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