Chapter 3

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The next morning, everything seemed pretty normal at first for Dylan, Dolly and Kali, aside from the fact that they saw something out of the ordinary last night. But they did their best to ignore it, although it was difficult. 

After a normal morning breakfast with the family, the two dalmatian siblings and their tomboy human got ready for the day and went out to meet Owen. 

But Owen didn't seem so calm once they approached him and Hubble. As strange as it seemed, something did indeed happen last night. 

Hubble was talking to him!

"Owen?" Kali, Dylan and Dolly asked as they came over, noticing his unusual expression.

"You're hearing them too?" Owen suddenly asked Kali, referring to the dogs as it looked like the poor boy was about to have a heart attack. 

"I've always heard them. Remember?" Kali reminded Owen that she's always been able to talk to dogs and any other animal for that matter. 

Owen just kept freaking out. 

"What happened?" Dolly asked him. 

"Let's just say his hearing suddenly got a lot better" Hubble spoke up. 

"So you're saying he just woke up and can suddenly understand us now?" Dylan clarified as they all walked together. 

This was really freaking Owen out as he was now, aside from Kali, the only one who could hear Hubble and every other dog. 

"How is this even possible?" Kali seemed puzzled, she couldn't believe this. 

"That's what I've been wondering" Owen said to her, still trying to put this all together. 

"Look" Hubble turned around to Owen and the others. "I don't have time to train you right now. This was a big mistake, wasn't meant to happen. You can't tell anyone about this, ever. Got it?" 

"Wait! What's this all about anyway?" Kali tried to ask Hubble as they continued following him. 

"Well, whatever it is it must be pretty secret" Dylan thought. 

"Nobody will believe a boy anyway" Dolly said. 

Owen agreed, adding. "It's not like dogs start talking all of a sudden"...

Boy, was Owen wrong... Once they got the rest of the neighborhood dogs together to walk them, Owen realized he wasn't imagining this at all as the dogs were REALLY talking. 

This was all so strange and sudden for the twelve-year-old boy, as he gathered the dogs all together in the back of his family's tool shed with Kali's help. The two kids both cautiously looked out the window to make sure no one was watching them, then closed the blinds and turned back to face the dogs who were all staring at them. 

"You can really understand me?" Wilson asked, as he was right up in Owen's face. "Right now, you understand what I am saying to you?" 

"Yep" Owen nodded nervously, still quite shocked. 

Wilson was silent for a moment before then asking. "Can I have a cookie?"

"No, wait. Ten cookies? No, can I have twenty cookies?! Twenty cookies!" the rambunctious boxer pleaded.  

"Be a pal, kid. Loosen my collar a notch" Shep spoke to Owen next. "I got a foof in my chach" 

"Owen, honey, can we just talk about how pretty I am?" Barbra Ann bragged a bit while Dylan and Dolly rolled their eyes at the slightly arrogant poodle. 

Nelly looked like she was about to say something, but... "Oh, shoot! I'm so nervous, I forgot what I was gonna say" the shaky little Italian grey hound giggled a bit. 

Dylan and Dolly meet the Dogs from Outer SpaceWhere stories live. Discover now