Chapter 5

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The next morning, Kali, Dylan and Dolly all got up early to meet Owen, Hubble and the other neighborhood dogs in the park to begin their training.

Hubble began teaching the dogs through what looked to be a dog version of a yoga class. 

Although for Dolly, she was having a very hard time while she groaned, trying to stay in one comfortable spot and relax. 

"Alright, class," Hubble began with his teachings. "Lesson number one. Dignity comes from within. On Sirius, we begin every day with meditation, easing gently into peaceful poses to achieve a higher state of being and release our more base animal impulses"

Some of the other dogs had even fell asleep. Kali and Owen watched the dogs with interest. 

"Breathe in, breathe out" Hubble instructed the earth dogs. "Relax. Let it go"

Everything was calm and peacefully, until someone let loose some gas. 

"Whoop! Pardon me" Shep apologized.  

"Shep eats people food sometimes" Dylan explained, while chocking slightly from the terrible smell.

"How lucky for us" Hubble said before he continued.

"Erase all distractions from your mind"

Just then, a ball bounced past Hubble, quickly getting the other dogs' attention. 

"Uh, oh" Kali thought, knowing this couldn't end well. 

"Hey, was that a ball?" Barbra-Ann asked. 

"I could've swore I just heard a ball" Wilson said. 

"Focus" Hubble reminded his students. "Is the key to canine composure" 

But the dogs still seemed too distracted on the ball.

"Was that a ball?" Dylan asked the others, whispering. 

"I do believe that was a ball" Nelly whispered back. 

"I think I need to get it" Wilson whispered. 

"You ain't getting nothing boxer!" Dolly suddenly shot up and zoomed after the ball like a rocket, quickly followed by the other dogs. 

Poor Dylan screamed, nearly getting trampled over by his sister and the others then followed after them. 

The same went for Hubble as he duck and cover while the excited dogs all ran right past him, not even noticing him like he wasn't there.

Frankie and Fred then appeared and came running over with Connie. 

"Baker!" Frankie called to Owen as he and Kali turned around to see the bully boys and Connie. 

"Gimme back my ball" Frankie demanded Owen. 

"I don't have it" Owen said.  

"Yeah, why would he even want your dumb ball?" Kali added, defending her friend while glaring at the two bully boys. 

"Well why doesn't he talk to his dogs and tell them to give it back?" Frankie said, referring to Owen. 

"Yeah, talk to 'em, dog boy" Fred mocked Owen. 

Hubble then started doing his strange howl again which surprised Connie and the bully boys, kinda like the first time how Kali and the others met Hubble. 

"What a freak!" Frankie said about Hubble. 

"Your dog's a freak like you" Fred told Owen. 

Frankie then picked up some nearby rocks. 

Dylan and Dolly meet the Dogs from Outer SpaceWhere stories live. Discover now