Chapter 9

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"Well, I guess this is it" Doug said to his two oldest pups with tears in his eyes. 

A bus was parked outside of 101 Dalmatian Street where Dylan and Dolly were preparing to leave with Kali to go back with her to America. 

"Good luck you two" Delilah told Dylan and Dolly as she hugged her two children goodbye. "And remember to stick together" 

"Thanks, Mom" Dylan smiled. 

"Yeah" Dolly added, before she and Dylan then climbed into the bus to join Kali and her family. 

"Goodbye, everybody" Dylan and Dolly waved goodbye to their family as the bus was about to leave for the airport. 

"Don't worry, I'll take care of them" Kali called out to Doug and Delilah, promising the dalmatian parents she wouldn't let anything bad happen to Dylan and Dolly......

End of Flashback~

Kali started to wake up as she groaned and shifted in her bed, opening her eyes to see that it was morning. 

But as she started to get up, she felt around her bed and was confused to see that Dylan and Dolly weren't there. 

In fact, she didn't see any dogs around the house or outside, nor did she hear any dogs barking at all around the neighborhood, which was rather suspicious. 

The tomboy came downstairs to ask the rest of her family if any of them had seen Dylan and Dolly. But as she came into the kitchen where the rest of her family was gathered, her parents gave her some shocking news that they've been receiving dozens of phone calls from all their friends, saying that their dogs were missing too. 

It wasn't just Dylan and Dolly, but Walter's old pal Scooby Doo, Friday, a jack russel terrier who was a friend of Dylan and Dolly's back when they were living on the streets with Kali and discovered the Hotel for Dogs...

Everyone was gone!

Including Dylan and Dolly's family back all the way in London. 

It just seemed that all the dogs had disappeared without a trace. 

"No... No, no, no, no. This is not happening" Kali thought to herself and immediately rushed off to find Owen. 

Owen, Kali and Connie quickly all met up with each other and ran around to see that there was absolutely not a signal dog in sight. They soon made it up to the hill where Hubble's spaceship had crashed, only to find it gone. 

There was only one fearful explanation.... all the dogs had gone back to Sirius with the Greater Dane. 

Later that evening, Kali was in the living room with the twins watching TV. But the tomboy was feeling pretty miserable that she had lost her dogs. It was even worse when Owen broke the bad news to her that he was moving tomorrow. 

All the other neighbors, including Kali's parents were gathered with Owen's parents still baffled, discussing about Owen not knowing a clue what had happened with the dogs' disappearance. Connie tried to step in, telling the adults it wasn't Owen's fault, but sounded crazy after telling them the dogs were taken by the other dogs from outer space. 

The neighbors thought maybe it was best that Owen and his family were leaving. Although Kali's parents had to disagree. 

Back with Kali and the twins~

The three Harpercop siblings were sitting on the couch, bored while they were watching the news. 

"And finally tonight. File this under "Odd". There's been a drastic increasing reports of lost dogs all over the state recently. Authorities are baffled by this rash of disappearances, but say they're doing their best to "sniff out" the culprits" a male news reporter stated. 

Kali grabbed the remote and turned off the TV, not wanting to hear anymore of that awful stuff. 

The adventure girl began to cry a little. She really missed Dylan and Dolly. 

She wondered how they, plus all the other dogs were doing up there in space.

Meanwhile up in outer space, abroad a much larger spaceship which belonged to the Sirius dogs, Dylan and Dolly were just so confused to what was going on in their surroundings. 

For one, they were amazed to actually be in outer space and were happy to see their family again. But on the other hand, or paw in their manner, they really missed their home and wondered if they'd ever go back and see Kali again. 

The two dalmatian siblings were passing by a room were the Greater Dane was talking to Hubble, but they suddenly had to stop and come back, dropping in on the space dogs' conversation. The two dalmatian siblings peeked in with out being seen after hearing a familiar voice. 

It just so happens that Owen had fixed the Woofer again without even knowing it himself and attempted to contact Hubble. Saying how this was all his fault and that he missed Hubble very much, telling him he was a good boy. 

"You're a good boy" Owen's voice kept saying to Hubble as Dylan and Dolly listened to the recording. 

The Greater Dane also happened to hear Owen's message too. 

"I have often wondered what it was about human beings that could lead so many of our species astray..." the all-mighty Sirius dog leader was left curious. "What it is that makes us abandon our drive for dominance"

The Greater Dane then looked to Hubble. "Go on, 3942. Speak... Enlighten me"

"I think it's friendship..." the border terrier space dog started. "People and dogs live side by side on Earth, and they make a home together"

"A home?" the Greater Dane seemed baffled, pausing for a moment. 

"It seems that inspires great loyalty" the Greater Dane thought. She then looked to Hubble. "I must ask you now... where does your loyalty lie?"

"I prefer the name... Hubble" the space dog replied to her.

This left Dylan and Dolly surprised, but also proud of Hubble that he had finally showed he had truly developed a special bond with Owen. 

This made the Greater Dane think long and hard what was to happen to all the Earth dogs now?....

Dylan and Dolly meet the Dogs from Outer SpaceWhere stories live. Discover now