Chapter 4

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That evening, when Kali, Dylan and Dolly got back home and came into Kali's room, the curious teenager couldn't stop asking all these questions to her dalmatians at how dogs came from another planet in outer space and knew all these things. 

"Come on, guys. Just one more" Kali insisted. "How could dogs even run an entire planet all on their own? I mean... no offense"

Dolly groaned while settling in her dog bed. "Enough of the questions already, my brains starting to hurt"

The there friends then settled into bed, ready to go to sleep. 

"Say, when can we go to Mars?" Dylan asked Kali eagerly, since the dalmatian always dreamed of being the first dog on Mars. 

Kali chuckled just before she turned off the lamp light. "One adventure at a time, Dylan"

Kali then turned off the light and they all went to sleep. 

Owen was still confused and processing all this how dogs could come from outer space. But their was one thing the twelve-year-old boy knew for sure, is that dogs don't run things.

The Next Day~

"Wait until you see how we got things running down here" Wilson said as the other dogs and Kali met up with Owen and Hubble outside his house. 

"You ready for us to show you what we earth dogs do, Mr Space dog?" Dolly asked Hubble, trying to sound cool. 

"We're gonna give you a grand tour" Wilson told Hubble. 

"I'm not shaking because I'm nervous" Nelly explained while giggling. "I'm shaking because I'm excited"

"Excuse me" Barbra-Ann raised her paw. "I have to go first, please"

"Why?" Hubble asked. 

"Because, honey, you do not want to deal with me until I've had my day at the beauty parlor" Barbra-Ann proclaimed.  

"Trust her on that" Dolly advised the scruffy space dog.

The dogs soon began showing Hubble everything that earth dogs do from having their own back scratches to Wilson having his own personal shopper. 

It was clear that earth dogs always got what they want, do what they want, go where they want...

"It may look to you like people are in charge," Shep explained. "But let's face it... you don't see us picking up their poop" the Bernese mountain dog then winked. 

"That's true on so many levels" Dylan commented. 

"Okay, that last one got me" Owen admitted. 

"Me too" Kali added, now realizing about that last one. 

"Pretty cool, huh?" Wilson said. 

"So, what do you think, Mr. Space Dog?" Dolly asked Hubble. 

"You're all pets. Lazy, greedy, spoiled rotten good-for-nothings" Hubble exclaimed. "You've lost all dignity!"

"Uh, will this affect our report card?" Dylan raised his paw, asking a bit nervously. 

"What do you think?!" Hubble cried out dramatically in anger. "Now I have no choice but to flunk you all"

All the other dogs gasped. "Flunk us?!"

"Flunk them?" Kali and Owen asked, confused. 

"We can't flunk!" Dylan looked like this was the end of the world for him. "That'd be the worst failure in all my life!"

"Pardon me, Mr. Hubble" Shep asked. "We've been away from the Home Star so long. Maybe if you helped us refresh our memory a little?"

"That sounds like a rad idea!" Dolly said, liking the sound of that. 

"Yes! Be our teacher, Hubble" Nelly added. 

"Not my job" the scruffy space dog said. "I make my report, and I go" 

"Go?" this confused everyone else. 

"What do you mean, go?" Owen asked his dog.  

"Mission Command will send a retriever for me eventually" Hubble explained.  

"But then that means we still have some time to improve" Kali noted. 

"Yeah, you gotta help us Hubble. Please" Dylan begged the space dog. "We don't want to flunk"

"Yeah, we want to be more like you" Dolly said. 

"Absolutely!" Barbra-Ann added. "Intelligent, dignified" 

"Who are we kidding? We could only dream of being as dignified as Hubble" Nelly said.  

"I may be an old dog, but I like to learn new tricks" Shep admitted. 

"Oh, please! Please, please, please, pretty please. Come on. Please?" Wilson got on the ground and began begging as he put his paw on Hubble, not wanting to take 'no' for an answer. 

"I usually don't approve of begging," Hubble started, but then looked to Owen. "But I could teach them a thing or two"

This made the two human kids smile and the dogs began cheering and jumping for joy. 

"But!..." Hubble began, getting everyone to suddenly become still and silent. 

"No funny business. Understand?" Hubble said sternly. "Tomorrow, you start getting serious"

Hubble then left with Owen while the other dogs all said goodbye to them. 

"Thank you, Hubble" Dylan called out to him. 

"You the dog!" Dolly added. 

Dylan and Dolly then walked home with Kali. They couldn't wait to get started tomorrow. 

Dylan and Dolly meet the Dogs from Outer SpaceWhere stories live. Discover now