Chapter 7

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The next day, Owen, Connie and Kali came down to the park where Hubble would prepare the dogs how to give the Greater Dane a proper welcome. 

"When the Greater Dane arrives, we must welcome her with dignified pageantry" Hubble explained to the Earth dogs. "Your pride and honor should burst forth"

Suddenly, someone let loose some gas, but we all know too well who it was...

"Oh, Shep!" Barbra-Ann scolded the Bernese mountain dog while Dylan and Dolly both face-pawed. 

"Sorry" Shep apologized, smiling sheepishly. "Spaghetti and meatballs"

"That's it!" Hubble exclaimed in anger. "This is hopeless! You're all leaving Earth forever!"

"Hubble-" Owen tried to soothe him gently.

"Not now, I'm yelling!" the frustrated border terrier yelled at his owner, then the other dogs. "That's what's gonna happen if you don't straighten up. This is the Greater Dane, we're talking about! Not some cockapoo or Shih Tzu!"

Dolly couldn't help but snicker at that. Hubble seemed to notice. 

"Oh, you think that's funny, huh?" he came up to the female dalmatian. "Well I'll tell you it won't be funny once she has you strung up by your tails!" Hubble warned Dolly and the other dogs. 

This made the dogs all feel down and worried that they'd mess up for sure. Dylan even grabbed his tail out of fear once hearing Hubble make that statement. 

"What did he say?" Connie asked Owen and Kali since she couldn't understand the dogs like they did. 

Kali sighed before turning to Connie and telling her quietly. "He's a little stressed out"

Owen and Kali then came over to Hubble.

"Let me talk to them for a moment" Owen told his dog, crouching down next to him. 

"You all understand that you're being asked to prove yourselves, right?" Owen asked the dogs. "To prove that you're worthy to live here, to stay with the people you love"

"We want that more than anything" Dylan told the kids. 

"We'll do whatever we need to do" Nelly said. 

"We know you will" Kali smiled to the dogs. 

"Just do your best" Owen told the dogs, then came back over to Hubble. 

"They usually respond better to a little... encouragement" he advised the space dog.

Hubble then took deep breath before continuing with his lesson to the dogs. "Let's start over" 

"We're all ears, Hubble" Dylan and Dolly told their friend they were ready to listen respectfully. 

"When the Dane passes, you must bow low before her. No one's head should ever be higher than hers" Hubble explained. "Let's practice. I'll play her"

Everyone got into position and bowed before Hubble, even the kids while he walked by pretending to be the Greater Dane. 

"Thank you. Thank you, Earth dogs. I'm pleased to visit your fair planet. La-dee-dah, la-dee-dah, etcetera and so forth"

"Not bad" Hubble actually smiled to the gang. 

"Not bad? That was cool" Dylan said. 

"Yeah it was" Owen and Kali agreed. 

"I want to encourage you all to keep practicing" Hubble told the dogs. "It's an attitude...dignified, serious"

"You got it, Mr boss dog!" Dolly saluted to Hubble. 

"Now, have you figured out a way to convince her we're in charge?" Hubble asked Owen and Kali. 

"Connie had an idea" Owen spoke up, then turned to Connie. "Tell him your plan"

"Well, whenever a great leader visits the White House, they give a formal dinner" Connie explained. 

Soon, everyone was over at Connie's place where the kids had prepared a big fancy dinner in the dinning room while the dogs actually sat at the table and the Greater Dane (still being played by Hubble) was the guest of honor. 

The kids were dressed up like waiters and brought out all kinds of delicious meats and other foods that the dogs loved. 

"I did say I was hungry enough to eat a cow" Dylan commented. 

"My compliments to the chef" Barbra-Ann praised politely. 

"That's a sausage, right, not a hot dog" Wilson sniffed the food. "Cause a hot dog would be wrong"

"Your Majesty, I would like to apologize in advance for any farting" Shep told Hubble.  

Owen began opening a can of dog food. 

"Is that chicken bits?" Nelly wondered. 

"No, sweetheart, that's patay" Barbra-Ann corrected her. 

"I'm not familiar with that" Dolly was confused. 

"Yeah, what's she talking about, pa-tay?" Wilson said, also confused. 

"It's French for meat byproduct" Barbra-Ann informed. 

"Ooh, than pass me the patay!" Wilson said eagerly.

"Me first!" Dolly quickly shouted, getting in the boxer's way. 

"I must say, the humans are much more domesticated than I expected" Hubble complimented, still pretending to be Greater Dane. 

Owen then looked to Hubble, having a question for him. "Hey, Hub. Has the Greater Dane ever visited Earth before this?"

"You're talking to me" Hubble reminded the human boy. "That can't happen" 

"Oh, yeah" Owen remembered, face-palming. "Right"

"It's been ages since the last visit" Hubble stated. 

"Wow, that's amazing" Kali thought, thinking the Greater Dane had to be like a thousand years old or something by now. 

"Then we can't mess this up" Dylan said to the others, determined to make the Greater Dane's visit be the best ever with pure perfection. 

"I betcha this will be the fanciest welcome any Dane's ever gotten" Nelly smiled. 

Just then, Connie's mother had just come home from the grocery store and came in to find the kids and dogs having their fancy dinner party. 

"Uh, oh" Dylan and Dolly thought. 

"We are in deep diddily doo-doo" Wilson said. 

Later, Owen and the other dogs had all gone back to their homes while Kali walked to her house with Dylan and Dolly. 

They came inside, went straight upstairs to Kali's room and settled in for bed. It had been a long, busy day for them. 

"Do you really think that the Greater Dane could take us all away from here?" Dolly asked while settling into her dog bed. 

"I'm sure it'll all be fine" Dylan assured. "We've practiced all day with Hubble, remember?"

"And besides, nothing could separate us" Kali smiled to her best friends. 

The human girl and two dalmatian siblings began playing and wrestling together, having a bonding moment as owner and pet before they were all tuckered out. 

"Good night, guys" Kali told Dylan and Dolly, turning out the lights and went to sleep. 

Dylan and Dolly meet the Dogs from Outer SpaceWhere stories live. Discover now