Chapter 7

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Caitlin was currently checking Barry's vitals, since Wells and Cisco had convinced Joe to let Star Labs treat Barry for his coma a few days after he'd entered his coma, since Star Labs had a better chance of identifying what had happened to him, while Cisco was working with Wells on his newly discovered powers, something Caitlin was a little jealous of, since now he could become a superhero, when suddenly, she heard and felt a gust of wind and to Caitlin's surprise, she saw Supergirl standing in the middle of the cortex.

"Uh, Cisco, Dr. Wells, you two need to get to the Cortex now." Caitlin said over the PA system as she checked Barry one last time before going to see her.

"Is he alright?" Supergirl asked.

"He's stable, but still comatose. But what brings you here?" Caitlin asked.

"I'd rather say that only once, so when your associates arrive." Supergirl said as Cisco and Dr. Wells did just that.

"Supergirl, what are you doing here?" Cisco asked, though only Supergirl could tell he was faking.

"The main reason I decided to reveal myself to the world is because of the emergence of metahumans your particle accelerator explosion created. And since you created them, you owe it to the city and the world to help me stop them." Supergirl said.

"Could you tell us who we're working with first?" Cisco asked.

"Fair enough. But you have to remember, my secret identity must remain a secret." Kara said and all three of them nodded.

"So, who are you?" Wells asked, even though he, like Cisco, already knew, though for different reasons.

"My real name is Kara Danvers." Kara said.

"Wait, as in Cat Grant's assistant?" Caitlin said and Kara nodded.

"Honestly, I'm not sure which job is harder, protecting this city or dealing with Ms. Grant." Kara said and Caitlin and Cisco chuckled.

"So, what do you need our help for?" Wells asked.

"I can't protect this city alone. And since no one seems to want anything to do with Star labs anymore, it seems like a good place to hang my cape." Kara said.

"You want to use the labs as your base of operations?" Wells asked.

"It's not like it's being used for anything else right now." Kara countered.

"I think that's a good idea, especially since we have a satellite that can be used to track her and any metas in the city and pretty much anywhere else on the planet." Cisco said.

"Plus, this would let me get a better idea of kryptonian physiology." Caitlin said, causing both employees to look at Dr. Wells.

"Well, I suppose that it would be good for this lab to start doing some good again." Dr. Wells sighed, thinking about how this would complicate his plans, but also knowing he was outvoted by Cisco and Caitlin.

"Great." Kara said.

"Come on, I'm gonna modify your suit so we can track your vitals." Cisco said, since he'd already done that, but it needed to be convincing for the others and Kara nodded.

"Oh, and I think I can help you guys upgrade your satellite." Kara said.

"What do you mean upgrade?" Wells asked.

"While I'm no scientist, my education on Krypton was more advanced than anything taught on earth and I think I can help you modify your satellite so that it can also scan the outreaches of space, instead of just on earth." Kara said.

"Wait, how can you have a kryptonian education. You've got to be younger than Superman." Caitlin asked.

"Actually, I was born years before he was and I was actually sent to earth to protect him, but things went wrong when Krypton exploded. The shockwave sent out by the planet's destruction knocked my pod in a region of space called the Phantom Zone where time doesn't exist. By the time my pod got loose and traveled to earth, my cousin had already grown up and became Superman." Kara said.

"Then please, show me how to do that." Cisco said and Kara smiled.

"I can try, but like I said, I'm no scientist and besides, I need to go" Kara said as then flew out of the building.

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