Chapter 80

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"So, while we're all stuck here on Earth, Kara gets to go run off to Mars?" Cisco asked after Barry had told him about what Kara was doing.

"She's helping J'onn and after everything he's done to help us, it's the least she can do. Besides it's not like any of us can actually survive on Mars." Barry said.

"I know, but I'm still jealous." Cisco said.

"Well, get over it." Barry said.

"Fine." Cisco said.

"What exactly are you working on now anyways?" Barry asked.

"I'm working on something Kara actually told me sold pretty well on her earth before the shift." Cisco said.

"And that is?" Barry asked.

"Image inducers. Apparently some aliens used them to help better blend in among the public, since there were people who discriminated against them just because they were aliens. I figured that the same thing is probably going on now and not just against aliens, but metas to. So once I get these working, we can market them to the public." Cisco said.

"Nice work. But you should probably install some security function to keep people from taking it too far, since these things could definitely be used the same way we saw Everyman use his powers." Barry said and Cisco nodded.

"Yeah, I'm already working on installing safeguards." Cisco said, right as his computer beeped.

"What's that?" Barry asked.

"It's a breach alert. Someone just crossed the dimensional barrier to this earth. Time to find out if the reality shift has affected the memories of people from other earths." Cisco said.

"Can you tell which earth it's from?" Barry asked.

"No dice, I'll start programming the satellite to track whoever it is that came through the breach and then we can nail them." Cisco said.

"Do it. We need to get to this person before they do any real damage." Barry said and Cisco nodded.

"Thank you again for doing this Kara." J'onn said.

"It's my pleasure J'onn." Kara said as the ship landed on Mars.

"So, this is Mars. Alex would be so jealous." Kara said.

"She certainly was when I told her. She's watching the DEO in my absence." J'onn said.

"I was wondering about that. But anyways, where do we go now?" Kara asked.

"My father told me he was being held in a prison camp near the D'orian crater." J'onn said.

"I have no idea where that is." Kara said.

"I do. It's not far." J'onn said.

"But how exactly are we going to get into a white martian prison camp?" Kara asked, right as they were surrounded by White Martians.

"Let's start by getting through these." J'onn said as he shifted to his Green Martian form.

"We're not going to hurt you." one of the white martians said and Kara immediately knew who it was.

"What?" J'onn demanded as all the White Martians took human form.

"Who are you?" J'onn asked.

"My name is M'gann M'orzz. I lead the White Martian Resistance." M'gann said and Kara smiled.

"Resistance?" Kara asked.

"You didn't think all white martians supported the genocide of the Greens. Don't be so quick to judge us all. We're trying to change things." M'gann said.

"I'm sorry, it's just, I've never known a white martian to show compassion." J'onn said as he returned to his own human form.

"M'gann, we should move this some place more secure. You and the manhunter are at the top of the council's most wanted list." one of the other white martians that Kara recognized as Till'all said.

"He's right. Come with us to our base. You can tell us why you came here." M'gann said and Kara and J'onn both nodded in agreement as they followed her and the others, though J'onn was clearly on edge, since despite what these white martians claimed, he still didn't trust them. Not after all the injustices their kind had inflicted upon his own.

"I've got a hit on someone who is not vibrating at the same frequency as people from this earth, which I guess we are still calling Earth one." Cisco said.

"Can you determine which earth they are from?" Barry asked.

"Yep. It's Earth Two. Hopefully Harry and their Jesse's memories were wiped in the shift." Cisco said.

"Yeah I mean, maybe now Harry's got his brains back." Barry said and Cisco nodded.

"Anyways, where are they?" Barry asked.

"It looks like they're in the badlands, but approaching the city and fast." Cisco said.

"Time to go check it out." Barry said as he pulled out his ring, slid it on and sped out of there and into his suit.

Who do you think the earth 2 visitor will be? Anyone from Earth 2 is on the table for guessing and I do mean anyone.

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