Chapter 109

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This chapter is in dedication to Vibe. May Guggenheim rot in hell for having Cisco take the cure. Spoiler alert for the season finale of the Flash. Sorry about that, but I needed to get that off my chest and the events of the finale will not take place any form in this story.

"Barry, can we talk?" Cisco asked.

"Yeah, but what are you doing here, I thought you had a date with Nia tonight?" Barry asked.

"I do, but that's part of why I need to talk to you." Cisco said.

"Okay, what's up?" Barry asked.

"Things between Nia and I are going really well. I really think that one day, we might be able to have what you and Kara have." Cisco said.

"So, what's the problem?" Barry asked.

"The problem is that if I want to have that with her, I can't keep lying to her about a big part of my life." Cisco said.

"You want to tell her that you're Vibe." Barry said.

"Yeah." Cisco said.

"Cisco, you don't need to ask permission about that, since it's your secret identity. If you want to tell Nia, then be my guest." Barry said.

"Thanks Barry." Cisco said with a smile.

That night, Cisco was meeting Nia at Jitters and he was trying to make sure he didn't lose his nerve in telling her his secret.

"Cisco." Nia said with a smile as she sat down at the table with him.

"Nia." Cisco said and Nia smiled.

"So, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?" Nia asked, since Cisco had told her that he had something really important to tell her over the phone.

"This." Cisco said as he opened a breach and dropped his coffee cup through it, than opening another breach, causing it to fall into his hand.

"You're Vibe." Nia said.

"Yeah I am. Nia, the reason I'm telling you is because I want a life with you someday. And while I wanted to keep you away from that world and that part of my life, I know that if I want a life with you, I have to be honest and that means sharing everything about it." Cisco said.

"Honestly Cisco, it's a bit of a relief to know that you had a secret like this." Nia said.

"Really why?" Cisco asked.

"Because you're not the one keeping secrets." Nia said.

"Wait, what?" Cisco asked.

"I wasn't going to tell you this yet, but there are some things I haven't told you about myself. And since you told me about your powers, I guess it's only fair that I tell you my secrets." Nia said.

"And they are?" Cisco asked.

"Well for starters, I'm a transgender woman." Nia said, taking Cisco by surprise.

"Wow, have to admit, I was not expecting that." Cisco said.

"Are you weirded out?" Nia asked.

"Considering the fact that I dress up in leather and fight supervillians on a regular basis, finding that my girlfriend is a transgender woman is honestly a bit of a relief." Cisco said and Nia immediately look relieved by that.

"Thank goodness. I was so worried on how you'd react when I told you, since Cisco, I want the same thing as you. I want us to have a future together. Not too soon of course, but eventually." Nia said and Cisco smiled.

"So, is that the only thing you wanted to tell me?" Cisco asked.

"No, actually, that was just the one that was harder for me to tell you." Nia said.

"And what's the other thing?" Cisco asked.

"Well, since I now know that you hang out with Supergirl, I know it'll be easier to tell you that I'm actually half alien." Nia said.

"Huh, no wonder you're so out of this world." Cisco said and Nia laughed.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't resist using that line." Cisco said.

"It's fine, unlike some, I don't take offense to that line. As long as you don't use it too often." Nia said and Cisco laughed.

"Deal." Cisco said.

"You're taking this awfully well." Nia said.

"Oh I got a ton of questions, but I'm not trying to overwhelm you." Cisco said and Nia smiled.

"Thank you Cisco." Nia said, right as Cisco's phone went off.

"What's up?" Cisco asked.

"Cisco, there's a metahuman attack in your area." Caitlin said.

"I'm on it." Cisco said.

"So, you're off to save the day?" Nia asked.

"Yeah, it comes with the turf. I'll be back as soon as I can." Cisco said with a smile.

"Be careful hero." Nia said.

"I will." Cisco said with a smile as he ran out.

When Vibe arrived at the site, he found that Caitlin had directed him to none other than Rathaway Industries.

"I thought Barry and Kara deterred Hartley from his path of destruction." Vibe said to himself as sure enough, the Pied Piper was there destroying the place.

"What are you doing Hartley?' Vibe asked.

"You know who I am?" Hartley asked.

"Yeah I do. And I'm going to give you one chance to stand down." Vibe said.

"No. Flash and Supergirl may have exposed Wells, but I still have a score to settle." Hartley said.

"Then you leave me no choice." Vibe said as he vibe blasted Hartley, who dodged at the last second.

"Let me show you how it's done." Hartley said as he shot a sonic blast at Vibe, who simply opened a breach beneath him, causing the blast to completely miss him, only to drop out of another breach and blasted Hartley into the ground.

"You were saying?" Vibe asked.

"Lucky shot." Hartley said as Vibe walked up to him.

"Luck had nothing to do with it." Vibe said as he pulled the gauntlets off Hartley and and locked meta cuffs on him.

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