Chapter 130

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Flash and Reverse Flash raced each other all over Central City, the two of them engaging in their most fearsome battle ever.

"Now this is a fight." Thawne said as he dodged one of Barry's punches, only to get hit by another one.

"You're all out of tricks Thawne. I know all your tricks." Barry said.

"Is that right Flash." Thawne said as he split into a speed mirage, only to have Barry pull the same move and followed both of them, much to Thawne's surprise, since he'd never taught Barry that trick. Somehow, the Flash had learned more of his tricks than he'd thought, but he'd become so distracted trying to figure out who taught him how to pull off the speed mirage that he failed to notice an incoming red fist knock him out and his fall was especially painful since he'd been running up a building.

"Not so much fun when you're the one being fooled is it?" Flash asked as he remerged with his speed mirage.

"How did you learn to do that?" Thawne asked.

"Gideon." Flash sneered.

"She has all my data on speedster abilities." Thawne said, cursing himself for allowing Barry to still have access to Gideon in the time vault.

"Exactly. I know all your tricks." Flash sneered.

"Maybe, but this isn't the time or the place to finish our battle Flash." Thawne said.

"Where's Reign." Flash demanded.

"Why would I tell you that and ruin the fun that's coming?" Thawne asked.

"Why work with her? You know that once she no longer has any use for you, she'll turn on you." Flash asked.

"I owe her debt for releasing me from the prison you put me in. Once I've paid that, she'll be the one who gets turned on." Thawne assured him.

"Since when do you care about honoring debts?" Flash asked.

"When they also involve helping me rid the timeline of you." Thawne said as he sped off, leaving Flash more frustrated than ever.

While Caitlin was patching Jesse up, Barry sped into the base.

"What happened?" Cisco asked.

"He just left. Apparently he doesn't want to fight me again yet." Barry said.

"Yeah he probably wants to wait until he has Reign by his side." Kara said.

"How's Jesse doing?" Barry asked.

"She's unconscious, but she'll survive and then I might kill her for going after Thawne like that. I should've stopped her. Literally frozen her to the floor if I had to. But I just let her go." Caitlin said.

"Hey, you can't blame yourself for what happened. We're just lucky that Jesse's a speedster now and she'll heal faster because of it. What she needs now is rest." Cisco said.

"I think we all do. Cait, you can stay here tonight to keep tabs on her if you want." Barry said.

"Thanks, I think I will." Caitlin said and Barry nodded as he, Kara and Cisco all headed out for the night.

The next day found Joe, Julian and Joe's partner Eddie at L-Corp, investigating a grand tech heist. The latest in a long line of tech heists that had happened in the city. McCulloch Technologies, Mercury Labs, Kord Industries, Folstan Tech, Ivo Laboratories, Rathaway Industries all hit and now L-Corp had joined the list.

"Ms. Arias, what exactly was stolen?" Joe asked Sam as he interviewed her.

"That's the thing. We had so many things being stored in this area that we're still trying to figure what was missing." Sam said as she yawned.

"You okay?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, sorry, I guess I've been putting in too many hours at the office." Sam said with a tired smile.

"I get that. Well, when you figure out what was stolen, give us a call and we'll let you know if anything turns up." Joe said and Sam nodded, right as Kara entered the room.

"Kara, what brings you here?" Joe asked his foster daughter-in-law.

"Well first off, Sam and I are friends and I wanted to check on her after I heard about this heist." Kara said and Sam smiled thankfully.

"And I'm guessing there's another reason." Joe said.

"I'm doing a story on the recent crime spree in Central City, it seems like nearly every major tech company in the city has been hit." Kara said.

"Besides your husband's business that is." Sam said.

"To be fair, Barry used his experiences as former CCPD to help redesign Star Labs' security system." Kara said.

"So anyways, what are you doing here." Joe asked.

"I was hoping to get a quote for my article." Kara said.

"You know the rules Kara, the CCPD does not comment during an active investigation." Joe said.

"Fine then, but Joe, please, give me something." Kara said and Joe sighed.

"Tell you what, I'll run it by Singh, see if we can work out some kind of deal." Joe said.

"Thank you. Now I have to get back to the office." Kara said as she walked out.

"That was Kara Allen." Eddie said, shocked at seeing her.

"Yeah, she's a friend, despite the fact that her husband runs one of L-Corp's biggest competitors." Sam said.

"She's also my foster daughter-in-law." Joe said.

"Right, Barry left CCPD to become a bigshot." Eddie said.

"Eddie, Barry made the decision he thought made the most sense and I don't blame him. He became a CSI to clear his father's name and he did that, so he decided to move on and Star Labs just happens to have become a very successful company under his lead. Though it doesn't hurt that he's married to the new CEO of the biggest media conglomerate in the city." Joe said.

"True. But, now that I think about it, maybe we can use Barry to catch whoever it is that's pulling off these heists." Eddie said as Sam walked away.

"What do you mean?" Joe asked.

"Star Labs has quickly become one of the biggest tech companies in the city and maybe the country. They've got tons of advanced tech right?" Eddie asked.

"I mean Barry spared me the details since he knew I wouldn't understand them, but yeah, why?" Joe asked.

"We can use that tech as bait for the thief and catch them in the act." Eddie said.

"Waste of time mate." Julian said as he joined the conversation.

"What do you mean?" Eddie asked.

"What I mean is that I'm dating the head of Star Labs' cyber security division and from what I've seen and heard, breaking into Star Labs on a whim is impossible. Allen used his experience from CCPD to help create an almost impenetrable security system, even metahumans and aliens can't break in undetected." Julian said.

"Right, Barry told me that Star Labs utilizes their patented metahuman power dampeners in their security system, though he didn't tell me how." Joe said.

"Still, maybe we can convince Barry to help us out." Eddie said.

"It's worth a shot." Julian said and Joe nodded his agreement.

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