Chapter 161

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After managing to get through all the well wishers, Kara managed to pull Clark and Lois aside.

"I guess it makes sense now why you wanted us to come here." Clark said and Kara nodded.

"And now you also know why I was relieved when you said you weren't going back to Argo." Kara said.

"You need Clark to stay here don't you?" Lois asked.

"Caitlin and Kelex both confirmed that the further I get into my pregnancy, the weaker my powers will become. While the rest of the heroes on this planet are great, I think we all know that the people rest better knowing there's at least one kryptonian defending them and since I have to hang up my cape for awhile." Kara said.

"Say no more. You covered for me while I was gone, I think it's time I returned the favor." Clark said and Kara smiled at him gratefully.

"Thank you Clark." Kara said.

"That's what family is for." Clark said.

"I have to admit, I am a bit jealous." Lois said.

"Of what, the prospect of morning sickness, crazy hormones and serious weight gain?" Kara asked with a smile.

"No, the prospect of becoming a mother." Lois said.

"You'll get there eventually." Kara assured her and Lois smiled as she hugged Kara again.

Alex was the next one to pull Kara aside.

"So, should I be killing Barry for knocking you up?" Alex asked her sister with a smile.

"Only if you want to explain to your super powered niece or nephew that you're the reason they don't have their father." Kara said with a smile.

"I'll pass then. Huh, I wonder which of your powers this kid will inherit?" Alex asked.

"I just hope it's not all of Barry's powers and all of mine. We'd never be able to control the kid that way." Kara said and Alex laughed.

"You'd figure it out. But, should I be worried about you fitting into your maid of honor dress?" Alex asked.

"Don't worry, I'm only a month into my pregnancy, both Caitlin and Kelex confirmed that I should start showing for a few more months and your wedding is two weeks away. I'll be fine." Kara said.

"Good, because, like you said, it's a bit late to postpone now." Alex said.

"Considering that it's partially my money that's paying for your wedding, I think people would understand." Kara said with a smile as she hugged her sister.

"I just hope that J'onn will make it to the wedding." Alex said.

"I don't care if I'm pregnant, if he misses the ceremony, I will go to Mars and beat some sense into him." Kara said and Alex laughed, though she knew Kara wasn't kidding, right as there was a knock on the door.

"Who's that?" Alex asked.

"I don't know. I thought all the guests were here already?" Kara said as she went to get the door and nearly squealed with joy at who she found on the other side.

"J'onn?" Kara asked as she hugged the martian.

"Did you really think I'd miss Thanksgiving?" J'onn asked as Kara showed him in.

"I wasn't sure." Kara said as she and J'onn entered the main room and Alex immediately jumped up to hug him.

"I didn't think you'd make it." Alex said.

"I was coming for your wedding anyways, figured I'd come early." J'onn said.

"You are always welcome here." Alex said.

"I'm sorry, who is this?" Cecille asked.

"Oh, Cecille, this is J'onn J'onzz." Alex said.

"The Martian?" Cecille asked, since J'onn's identity was still public.

"The very same. I recruited Alex and was actually her predecessor." J'onn said.

"He helped fill in before my dad was found." Alex said and Cecille nodded, though she suspected there was more to the story than that.

"Okay then, now that we're all really here, let's eat." Barry said.

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