Chapter 26

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Namjoon was getting nervous. You hadn't answered his calls or text all day. He had came back from his trip earlier to surprise you, but the thrill was replaced by fear. He stood in front of you door and has been knocking on it for 10 minutes. Knowing your unsocial schedule, he knew you had to be home. Even though he knew the passcode to your apartment, he still wants to value your privacy. But desperate time calls for desperate measures. He punched the code in and rushed inside.

His breath hitched when he saw you lying on the floor, unconscious. "Y/N!" He ran up to your body, and lifting you up in his arms. His hand brushed the bruises on your face. "Y/N, my love, what happened to you?"

At the sound of his voice, you found the courage to lift open your eyes. "Namjoon? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you still be with your parents?" you asked, your voice barely audible.

"I'm calling an ambulance, I'm calling the cops!" he said, obviously flustered and you could hear his voice breaking. He was about to pull out his phone but you stopped him.

"I'm okay." He nodded and carried you to your bedroom. With all gentleness, he laid your body on the bed. You immediately curled up, to hold in the pain from the kickings earlier.

Namjoon sighed and got into bed with you, holding your hurting body. Your hands found their way around his body for comfort.

"My love, who did this to you?" he asked. He wiped the tears from your eyes. And bent down to kiss your eyelids.

"My mom came back." you answered.

"She did this to you?" Namjoon asked, his jawed tightened and so does his grip on your shirt.

"No, she wouldn't have the courage to. She didn't have the courage to do anything. Her new husband did this. And she just stood and watch."

"Oh my god, we need to call the police. That's assault!"

"No, I don't want to be reminded of that. I just want to forget today."

"I understand. But can you tell me what happened, please?" he asked. You didn't hesitate to tell him, he deserves to know. You told him about your mother, the joy you felt when she came back, and the disappointment you felt when she turned her back on you, again.

"I thought life would be good to me. I thought I finally got her back. I was so happy when she told me how she wanted to be in my life again, to give me the love that I never got when I was younger. But just as fast as she came, she left. I told her to leave him and be with me, but she rejected that offer. She rejected me." The tears came out like waterfall. You didn't feel sad, just disappointed. At this point, you should have been used to disappointment, but you still let your hope rise. Seeing you like this, he couldn't help but cry as well. He pulled you in tighter.

"I'm so sorry, treasure. She doesn't deserve you or your love. And I promise to give you all the love you need. I'll make up for everything that you lost." You said nothing. "I know it's hard for you to trust. And I'm so thankful that you're showing your vulnerability in front of me. I will never hurt you, okay?" You nodded into his chest. The moonlight filled the room, the thin curtains blew with the breeze coming from the heater. Namjoon talked softly about his trip to his parents house.

"I ate so much food. I brought some of them back for you."

"I can't wait! I miss eating good food."

"Well if you had just stayed with me, you would get renowned cooking every night." he laughed. "And my parents were really disappointed that you didn't come. So next time, you're definitely coming with me." he demanded.

"Yes sir." you laughed, but regretted it instantly because of the pain on your ribs. Namjoon noticed your discomfort and frown.

"There's blood on your shirt. I'll help you change."

You blushed. "No, I can do it myself."

"Shut up." He got up and headed for your closet. After deciding on a new shirt, he returned to your side. He moved his hand to the hem of your shirt and hesitated. "May I?" he asked. Your heart was beating loudly as you nodded, knowing that you didn't have the strength to change yourself. With shaking fingers, he began to lift your shirt up. There weren't any sexual intentions, he was genuinely concerned. His eyes widened when he saw the bruises on your ribs and stomach. His fingers felt the purple skin. He bent down slowly and left kisses on each mark. It made your inside melt. His warmth healing you with every kiss.

Then he moved up to kiss your lips. It was a violent urge, a desperate call. Your arms naturally wrapped around his body. He didn't let his body weight falling on you, instead, he hovered so that he wouldn't hurt you. When he lifted his head, there was pain in his eyes. "I'm going to take all your pain away." he breathed out. He moved to kiss the bruise on your cheek, treading on your skin. Then his lips found your neck, leaving wet kisses along the way. For the moment, you forgot all the pain, all the memories of your mother. You forgot that man's violent on your body. For the moment, you were just his.

After putting your shirt on, he asked if you wanted any dinner. You shook your head, feeling all the energy drained from your body. Namjoon was stuck at a crossroad, not knowing if he should stay or give you some privacy. "Please stay." you whispered. "Unless you don't feel comfortable."

"Are you kidding? Being with you is everything I ever want." He kissed the top of your forehead and held you the rest of the night. At some point in the middle of the night, you were shaking. It was to the point where you woke him up.

"Get off me." you yelled, your eyes still closed.

"Y/N, I'm here. Wake up."

"Don't touch me, please!" you continued, tears forming. His heart fell to his stomach when he saw you. He shook your body, forcing you to wake up. As soon as your eyes opened, you wrapped your arms around him.

"I'm here, my love, it was just a dream." Namjoon said tenderly. He held your head close to his chest and smothered you with kisses.

"I saw him, my father. The memories felt so clear and real. Even the pain was real." you sobbed into his shirt, eventually soaking it.

"I'll protect you, always." At his voice, you closed your eyes again. You dreamt of the sun, the heat against your skin, his smile, his dimples, all of those that belonged to you.

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