Prelude: Hunter Arise!

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Ozpin POV
I can't call Qrow, Ironwood or any of his soldiers. Qrow is busy looking for clues to Salem, Ironwood is doing something important and his soldiers on duty to keep a look out on the dust. Guess I don't have any choice.

Ruby: Hey, Ozpin!

Me: Hey, Ruby.

Yang: What's the mission?

Me: I can't really explain it, there is an individual that is known for killing large amounts of Grimm, and that includes people that "get in his way." I want you four to either: stop him, recruit him, or kill him if by all means. I know this may seem hard to kill a person, but he is dangerous to all species and life if he doesn't stop. Your best bet to finding him is at cemeteries.

Yang: You can... count on us, Professor.

They walk out of my office, I sighed, putting down my mug and put my hands on my face.

Me: I'm sorry...

3rd POV
As Team RWBY is looking around in the cemetery, there is nothing unusual going on, they move from cemetery to cemetery, hoping not to kill this individual.

Blake: You think that we have to kill him?

Yang: Hope not, we were supposed to protect, not kill people.

Ruby: Maybe he isn't bad.

Weiss: He is definitely bad, he kills anything and anyone around him, like a untamed beast.

Yang: Don't judge a book by it's cover, Weiss.

Weiss: Let's get this over with.

Ruby: Look out!

Suddenly, three Beowulfs pops out of nowhere, however it did not attack them. It runs passed by them, due to one of them accidentally jumps on Weiss, Ruby killed on of them and look at it's body, with Weiss dusting herself off. It was heavily damage, as if it was fighting someone else and lost, and had no choice to run.

Ruby: Weird.

Weiss: Right? My dress is ruin, it is covered in blood!

Yang: It must've been running away from someone.

Weiss: Do you think we should investigate with caution? I think we should.

Blake: Yeah, let's keep our guard up.

They walk to the direction where the Beowulfs was running away from. But, they were able to find a male, rising his axe, and bringing it down, making loud squish noises. They look to see a dismember body, then they heard loud sniffing.

???: Blood. Kill.

He turns around to see bandages around his eyes, Team RWBY gets ready as he slowly makes his way to Weiss.

???: Creatures like you, should be killed, very brutely and savagely.

Yang: Sir, please don't be hostile.

???: Humans? A weird expectation, leave now and I'll spare you only this once. After all, you do have Grimm blood on you.

Ruby: We are not the Grimm.

???: Say that to my axe.

Ruby: Okay, axe, we are not the Grimm.

Weiss: Really, Ruby?

Ruby: What he told me too.

Yang: He meant that sarcastically.

Blake: Guys, we have more important stuff to worry about.

Weiss: Like my dress? That is important and I definitely should get a pair of new ones-


The axe almost hits Weiss's head, leaving her surpised and scared.


Yang: Hey, I don't appreciate what you are doing, but you deserve to get punched in the face.

???: Whatever, I'll just kill you like the rest.

He take a few steps back, taking his axe with him, before bringing out his gun and points towards Yang.

???: You just got message from death.

Blake: We aren't not going to kill him, right?

Ruby: No, just fight him until he gets exhausted. Alright, Team! Let's fight!

???: Finally! More blood to be spill!

They run towards each other, before Yang is about to punch him, Ruby is about to swipe her scythe, Weiss is about to stab him, Blake is about to slash him, while the hostile male is about to bring down his axe.

To Be Continue!

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