Chapter Two: The Hunt Begins

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Ruby POV
After we got into the infirmary at Beacon, Ozpin came into the room.

Ozpin: How was the mission?

Me: Went out badly, heh.

Yang: He kicked our butts.

Ozpin: Did you at least learn his moves?

Weiss: Shoot! We forgot, sorry Professor Ozpin.

Ozpin: That is okay, all that matters most is that you came back alive.


???: Whatever, I'll just kill you like the rest.

*End of Flashback*

Me: Hey, Professor. Can I ask you a question?

Ozpin: Certainly, Miss Rose. What is it?

Me: When we fought that guy, he said "I'll just kill you like the rest." You've sent students to fought him before?

Ozpin: *sigh* I did sent students to get him before. But everytime, they never come back. I haven't sent any more students for awhile, until I saw your corporation as a team, I knew that you four could take him down. For you see, he isn't a normal hunter like us, he is different from the rest. His bloodlust controls him, he can't control himself anymore. Once his bloodlust is satisfied, he can control himself once again, until he is driven into a unstoppable, cold blooded killer. I apologize for what I am trying to do, I hope you understand.

3rd POV
The hunter stands alone in the woods, with blood covering him, to his black hood to his trousers. A woman wearing black and red armor stalking him, along with his tribal members.

Ozpin: He has bad eyesight, but he can detect you by his sense of smell. Well, that is my theory at least.

He turn his head back to see a tribal leader, she pulls out her sword.

???: Great timing.

He pulls out his axe, in his short range form, he turn his body around.

Ruby: What's his name?

Ozpin: Everyone doesn't know, but if they do know, they won't tell us.

The female and the hunter runs towards each other, before swinging their weapons together, while the tribal members flank him. He smiles, before turning his axe into its long range form, where the tribal members starts to rush him, the female steps back a little, allowing her tribal members to attack. He ducks down, swinging his axe a full circle, killing almost all tribal members, wounding some.

Ozpin: But he won't allow any mercy to those who attack him.

The hunter walks over to the tribal leader, dragging the bloody axe, before knocking her sword away when she tries to defend herself. Smiling, he rise the axe to the air, before slamming it down.

To Be Continue

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