Chapter One: The Greatest

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3rd POV
*SLAM* *CRASH* *Grunts*

Ruby: Attack... him... from...

He sees Ruby crawling away from her, very weakly. He walks over to her, putting his axe above her head.

???: Face it, you lack of timing, and mostly the fear of death and others. You do not have the expectations of being a hero

Ruby: Calling yourself a hero?

???: If you have to live in this cold world, then you'll have to do anything  what you want most, even if you have to kill. I know what I must do and I am the greatest hunter alive.

Yang: Hey!

He turns around to see Yang, he steps back, allowing for her to miss her punch. He slams his blunt side of the axe against her back, before putting his foot on her back, putting pressure into it.

???: Four against one, it's really pathetic. You are too weak, not enough learning, not too much fear.

Blake is about to go for his back, but she drops her weapon and drops to her knees, while holding her right arm. The Hunter walks over to Weiss, which she was in the corner, about to cry out in fear. He place his blade of the axe against her neck.

???: Allow me to re-teach your fear of death. Starting with you.


Nothing happen, just an axe that is about a few centimeters from her face.

???: Fearing death is another step to becoming a hunter or huntress. You all do have the skills, but not the right timing. I'm taking back what I said, I'll leave you alive, only because you have potential, and spirit. But you are wasting it, become better, and smarter. Train better, then fight me. Surely you will know the fear of life and death.

He put his axe away, he turns around to walk away. Yang gets up and slowly walk towards him, due to have she got beaten.

Yang: Run away, coward!

???: Calling someone when you are near death is either brave, or foolishness. But you are leaning against foolishness.

He continues walking, he turn around the corner, a few moments after that, RWBY sighs in belief.

Weiss: I don't want to be here.

Ruby: Never face against him?

Yang+Weiss+Blake: Yeah!

Ruby: Wonder why Ozpin will sent us to face against him!

Blake: Well, he did sent us flying on our second day, but this is much worst.

Yang: Whoever he is, he should be stop, maybe calling Atlas may do something. Like it is an army against on guy, how hard can it be?

Blake: Yang, he literally counter all of our attacks with ease, not to mention that some of them were counterattacks, you think he would able to withstand an army?

Yang: Come on, have hope! Everyone got a weakness, right?


???: They look like weaklings, but they have the teamwork. Got a few cuts from them, but...

He slams his axe against a tree, leaning against it.

???: They suffer major problems, they could've easily gotten killed. Let just hope they don't across...

He grab his axe and rips it off of the tree, before putting it away.

???: HIM.

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