Chapter Five Part Two: Beginning Of The End 1/3

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3rd POV
A month later, the hunters was no where to be seen, or was there reports of them. As Ozpin is looking at the papers, the elevator opens up. He look up to see a hunter, she walks over to Ozpin.

???: I am here to acquire your assistance.

Ozpin: And who are you?

???: Just call me Crow for now, I have heard about two hunters going psycho in Remnant. Is that right?

Ozpin: Yes, here's the photo of them.

He pass the photo to her, she examines the photo, before going to the back.

Crow: I know... these two. Styx, Y/n.

Ozpin: Could you give us information about them?

Crow: Yes. They are one of the best duos in Hunter's history.  One claims to be finding the relic of Marsuo. A sword made by Marsuo, one of the first hunters. I think one of them has a goal to wipe out all Silver Eyed Warriors and got exiled. I know the location of the relic. Get your best people and I'll be waiting outside.

Styx POV
We stood at the entrance of the catacombs. Y/n walks in first and I walk in after. We look around as we take out our torches. We reach a large area, with a sword sticking out of it in the middle. We approach the sword, we look at the ceiling to reveal a fossilized beast. We didn't grab the sword yet, we need to go deeper into the catacombs.

Ozpin POV
Me: Are you sure this is the place?

Crow: I am very sure. This looks to be recently dug up. You guys ready?

Glynda: Yes, I am ready.

Peach: Yep.

Ruby: You betcha!

Yang: Yep!

Blake: Yeah.

Weiss: Positive.

Crow: Why did you bring kids along?

Ozpin: You did say; best people.

Crow: Let's enter.

They enter the catacombs, human skulls was everywhere. Team RWBY has a sense of fear walking into the catacombs. They reach a big opening, with a sword in the middle. Ruby walks over to the sword, before grabbing the handle.

Yang: Wouldn't grab that, Sis.

Ruby: C'mon, what's the worst thing will happen?

She pulls the sword.

Styx POV
They led to deadends, we walk back to the large opening with the sword. I saw those people again... they pulled the sword!?

Y/n: You idiots! Do you know what you have just done!?

They look over to us, getting ready to fight us. But, large, loud rumbling fills the area. The beast above us started to move, we slowly step back, pulling our weapons.

Jasmine: No...

The beast drops to the ground, with it's four heads, it let out a big screech, before covering itself in fire.

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